Davis never seemed to pay attention to the small details such as following the academic progress or the grades of his players.
Ray Thompson was a terrific talent and Davis had no idea that he was not progressing and that his grades weren't sufficient enough to stay eligible.
''It's one of the things that we've got to accept today that it's a very very important part of our profession helping our young players adjust to academic life. We've got to do everything in our power to make sure they adjust and yet the rules are becoming more and more stringent so the problem becomes greater.''
Up until this week, Davis said he was not sure about the players' academic standing and had not heard about any problems.''
Even after saying that coaches need to be following a student's academics is very very important, he still a few years later had no idea that Guy Rucker would lose his final year of eligibility because of his lack of academic progress. That was disgraceful. Does anyone have any idea regarding how many Iowa basketball players have been declared ineligible in all the years since Davis left?
I'm sure that my post will certainly anger all the Davis lovers here, but you can't hide from the truth.