Iowa bill would allow surgical castration for some sex crimes against children

I've worked so many Juvenile Court cases involving perps. Some of the perpetrators will still act out even if this goes through.

Most of them were perped on by someone else when they were a kid.
I don't know if it holds true for pedophilia, but they always say rape crimes are more about power than sex.
I don't know if it holds true for pedophilia, but they always say rape crimes are more about power than sex.

Yes, I think they overlap sometimes. I'm not a clinical physician. But neither are cops. I bet there is a lot of overlap in our professions from field experience.

I'm done with that stuff. It takes 4 days off your life for every actual day.

I don't have the answers. I can tell you some of the problems. Foster care homes are a breeding ground for kids to get abused. Sometimes it is the foster parents doing it. Often it is kid on kid perpetuation. They grow up in that world.

DHS keeps putting too many kids in one home.

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