Yep, I'm against stalking and peeping. And I like having a legal recourse to deal with it. Call me crazy.Well, how very Unconstitutional and Authoritarian of you. Property rights above all. My house, you can't look in to it, now go away.
Yep, I'm against stalking and peeping. And I like having a legal recourse to deal with it. Call me crazy.Well, how very Unconstitutional and Authoritarian of you. Property rights above all. My house, you can't look in to it, now go away.
Yep, I'm against stalking and peeping. And I like having a legal recourse to deal with it. Call me crazy.
You really think I should have a right to stand outside your home and stare, even film into your window for hours on end without you having any recourse? We aren't going to agree if that's your take. I think there should be legal recourse. This law provides for it. If it turns out you have a good reason to watch me, let the courts decide that.Interesting. Stalking and "Peeping", according to Natural, includes standing on public property and, apparently, violating no other laws.
I do find that crazy, and sad. It is the definition of Property Rights over all. If it wasn't your "property" it wouldn't be an issue. So, if paranoid OiT lady thinks some goons are following her, you know, because she is afraid of everything, she can force them LEGALLY to remove themselves or be arrested.
Can I do this to my neighbor?
This is overblown, but the general gist can certainly be true.
And I'm not sure what you mean by "supposed to last a couple weeks"....but I presume you mean the order without hearing lasts until there is a hearing, where everything can change at the hearing. After that they last for a year (or more).
Somewhere you got screwed DanL, but you got screwed either by a) yourself or b) your lawyer. The law is pretty clear on timelines for those cases, and I would bet a large amount of money either you/yourlawyer agreed to let it go beyond. That is unfortunate, but we have an adversarial system, meaning one side can (and should) push as far as they can, it is up to the other side to stop it.
I get why you are upset, but you conclusively proved my point: your lawyer's fault.
Creepy guy can't film a person in their private domicile from the sidewalk is my position. No I don't see that as a violation of his rights. Yes I do think a person should have recourse if they are being stalked. Yes I do find stalking threatening to a level that I should get to seek a restraining order. I find your disregard for personal safety and privacy an irresponsible violation of the stalkee's rights. A person has a right to be safe and secure and private when they are out of the public domain.Businesses, private people, and the government seem to be able to film anything they wish from their own property and persons. But "creepy guy" can't?
Or can I request that the Kum N' Go down the street has to stop filming my house? Stop my neighbor from looking out his window at mine? Stop the dog-walking-guy from lingering too long on a public sidewalk?
You are right, you have stated your opinion, I have stated mine. But you seem to not like my claim that your idea is Unconstitutional and Authoritarian and about property rights. If you are concerned about that, you should think about how they apply to your position.
Creepy guy can't film a person in their private domicile from the sidewalk is my position. No I don't see that as a violation of his rights. Yes I do think a person should have recourse if they are being stalked. Yes I do find stalking threatening to a level that I should get to seek a restraining order. I find your disregard for personal safety and privacy an irresponsible violation of the stalkee's rights. A person has a right to be safe and secure and private when they are out of the public domain.
This is why we can't have reasonable gun laws. People like you go around defending the rights of pervs to act criminally so now the stalkee has no option but to shoot the stalker. I think your position is antithetical to a civil society.
I'm sure there will, I recognize there will be abuse, I just don't think thats the biggest issue here. Without the law, there is no recourse but to shoot the creep filming you in your living room. Why do you think this law is gender specific? Anyone can use it. And its only grounds for obtaining an order. When people are in fear, I want those people going through the legal system to deal with the issue. That keeps everyone safer.What you don't seem to understand is that without some burden of proof this will be widely abused. I know now that some lawyers counsel their female divorce clients to use the 10 day boot out now without cause. It would only get worse.
one party can go to a judge and without the slightest of reason
one complaint. "He doesn't get angry, stays calm when we argue but eventually raises his voice. I never know how long it will take until he gets mad." That's really in there!
Unless you tell me what my lawyer could have done differently
I think you made two salient points: 1. Filming does change the equation, I believe you were expanding it past that to someone standing on the sidewalk.Creepy guy can't film a person in their private domicile from the sidewalk is my position.
A person has a right to be safe and secure and private when they are out of the public domain.
(If spoken, this would be slow and calm, as if an old man was just sharing his experience.) Unless you tell me what my lawyer could have done differently, I'm afraid I can't reach that conclusion.
It seems to me a flimsy way to run a system of justice when one party can go to a judge and without the slightest of reason get him to seize money, property, and access to income. Without even a chance for the accused to offer a defense from the allegations.
And something else. I went to another lawyer after the hearing was delayed. A very expensive lawyer in the kind of office and with the kind of practice that I'd wager 95% of attorneys dream about. His advice? Unless I could come up with another retainer to hire him, get used to things like her lawyer tricking me into leaving the courthouse. He said she had a reputation of working like that. He said he could work like that as well.
But with my funds being held, there wasn't going to be another lawyer.
Bad lawyer? I was stuck. It seems to me that if there is anything conclusive it is exactly the point I made to begin with. These "Orders of Protection" are used the majority of the time not to protect some innocent victim from domestic abuse, but to gain an advantage in divorce proceedings. (Both the lawyers I spoke with told me about how OP's are so often used like this.)
We can say, "Your lawyers fault". I got a raw deal and I suspect, despite my wanting to ring the guys neck at the time, most lawyers caught in that kind of battle wouldn't have done any better.
No, I don't believe it wasn't the lawyers fault. It was the way the system works. (Or doesn't work)
Now I know I probably sound bitter, but let me assure you that I'm well past anger at this point and the only reason I've born my personal history out (and one there is no pride in relating this, I feel like an idiot, a freaking vegetable brained idiot for having been married to this woman. And the stigma of the accusation is not pleasant) is that at one time I would have blindly said, "Domestic Violence? Yeah, anything to stop that." But my friend...these laws create their own victims, persons like I was who are not abusers.
To conclude, here is how I see your adversarial system. With the current laws, it's like a fire and one just has to hope to get out alive, forget your's gone. Now, if you have a specific comment about what could have been done differently let me know. I'd be glad to consider it and maybe enjoy some faith being restored that there might be some fairness out there somewhere.
I'd be glad to be proven wrong, but you can't just do that by saying, "your lawyers fault".
From the Gazette:
"Senate file 395, which passed the Senate 46-0, would crack down on stalking by expanding the definition of “stalking” to include the use of surveillance technology and would modify the law such that a victim of stalking can report being stalked if they feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated or threatened by another person, as opposed to previous law which required that a victim fear for their life or physical injury. This bill was originally sponsored by Senate Judiciary Chairman Senator Steve Sodders (D-Marshalltown)."
The part in bold is an open ended mess and would be used with impunity by the unscrupulous.
Simply not true. Temporary order of protection requires finding of probable cause assault has occurred based upon, at a minimum, sworn affidavit setting forth a factual basis
Care to share the other complaints? Little doubt the above allegation, while your favorite and the basis of your first quote above, was not relied upon as a factual basis to find probable cause an assault occurred by the Judge that signed the Order.
Um, showed up? Properly advised you what to do if you insisted you didn't want to pay him or her to show up? Pretty sure the advice would not have been to be running down the street away from the courthouse at the time scheduled for the hearing.
Not in a position to dispute your claims about ex's attorney committing fraud, impersonation of a court official, and misrepresentation to the court by an officer of the court. Clear grounds for disbarment if true. More likely you (no fault of yours, it is a strange and intimidating environment for most) were unable to process accurately what she said and you could only process your lawyer's name on what may well have been a motion to continue.
Look folks, difficult issues fraught with emotional responses often unrelated to substantive issues at hand*. No doubt some women (and actually happens to men as well) are physically taken advantage of in varying degrees of disgusting ways including inducing fear as a weapon. Also no doubt some women (and men) misrepresent the truth or outright lie in order to gain financial (or more often custodial) advantage in pending or anticipated dissolution litigation. Determining which, if either, of those circumstances actually exist is why they have hearings in court with witnesses and exhibits.
Everybody be wary when you hear stories about divorce and custody. People that choose to talk about their experiences have to find an emotionally acceptable way to think and talk about events. Rarely is the resulting tale the straight scoop, and even more rarely is it the whole straight scoop.
*Example: W: Your car is worth at least 15k (eyes say you screwed the neighbor)
H: Not worth more than 8k (eyes say I wouldn't of had to if you ever screwed me)
W: 14K at the bottom (I would of if you didn't stink)
H: 10k final offer (why shower for you to lay there)
W: 13k (your family treated me like crap)
H: 11K (they knew)
H & W: 12k (I hate you!)
Don't get me wrong DanL, you got shafted, but you admit yourself that something SHOULD have been done, and your lawyer was the person to do it.
Basically, I hear you claiming that the opposing party (wife?) had someone (or their lawyer) present a fraudulent document to you to trick you out of the courthouse. While you were out of the courthouse they told the court that you weren't there and they extended it out longer.
This question is easy: How did you think that was ok and that nothing should have been done about it? Your lawyer should have absolutely raised holy hell (why wasn't he there to begin with?), you should have filed ethics complaints, etc.
You were shafted, that is NOT how the system works.
I am kind of torn here. Do we protect the rights of the male to the fullest extent or protect the life and health of the women. As long as the reputation of male is protected should they find no basis for the charge, I am ok with giving deference to the female's safety .Its pretty much a given a judge will give one if requested. There is no burden of proof basically.
Are you arguing for a wrong to make a right?
I am kind of torn here. Do we protect the rights of the male to the fullest extent or protect the life and health of the women. As long as the reputation of male is protected should they find no basis for the charge, I am ok with giving deference to the female's safety .
Time scheduled for hearing. 12:30. Sometime in the afternoon. Wait to be called. Reason I left, described. Lied to by her lawyer who I had never met as representing the court. You can take the first sentence and I suggest open it up in the real world where it will dissolve as the fiction it is......I'm telling you, she had nothing to complain about.
Look, I'm not trying to embarrass or argue with you, promise you I know situations where people got screwed in much worse ways than you think you did. Imagine if you had to sit your butt in jail and stew over perjurious testimony that put you there, or were homeless, or lost a dream job,,,,,,,,, Be thankful you didn't then face a false allegation of violation of the no contact order if she is the lying cheating scum you portray.
Not sure what you are saying with opening up the first sentence in the real world where it will dissolve as fiction. You can tell me anything you want, but that is the law. And if you are honest you can look at the petition and see that an allegation of assault, (false, exaggerated, whatever) was made. Perhaps you want to post the petition and I can point out to you what the judge relied upon to determine probable cause existed? I see while I was typing this you doubled down on the no allegation at all was made claim (now we have judicial incompetence in addition to attorney fraud), post the damn thing or that is nothing but a river in Egypt. How many real abusers say crap like that you think?
Aflac above points out the cognitive dissonance. The current reaction is to require an affidavit (criminal penalties do attach if proven false) for probable cause and a rapid hearing. While JR and Dan and others see one side of the potential abuses, there is another side. Actual abuse does exist and is horrible. See some of those cases and hard to dispute we need a judicial process in place to help.
Here is my personal main dispute with the current system. Real domestic abuse exists and the system needs a way to respond rapidly and meaningfully. But, in the truly worst cases, the ones that the system is really attempting to address, a piece of paper is meaningless. Those folks (and I've only personally seen that in males) make the order a prop in the next round of abuse.
Perhaps a tiered judicial response should be legislated in an attempt to differentiate between 1. we've been married 15 years and last week he slapped my arm and left a mark from 2. He broke my leg and held a knife to my throat. They are the same in the current scheme.
PS And it is not the "I'm scared" law, it is the "I was assaulted" law.
Thanks, but that may be how the system should work, but it didn't. Lack of funds due to the seizure of my property by the court. I barely found a lawyer to begin with and then it was on the "self help" plan of me just showing up at the hearing. Money would have been the answer, I'd have fired my dumb lawyer for letting me go in there unarmed and get tricked...or for what he did about it which was to say, "well, it's only a delay". But as mentioned, another lawyer wanted money up front as well.
Let's end this by saying, this is not how the system should work.Fair enough? If Iowa passes this Domestic Violence Bill? Divorce lawyers will be hanging up signs, "Women Only!"
Why didn't the system work? You didn't make a complaint, fight back, or anything through your lawyer.
You are claiming clear violations of ethics and fraud on part of a lawyer and then shrugging it off as a bad system. You had to do your part, but it sounds like you just helped with the lube.
No doubt my mythological explanations are nowhere near as reliable as your tale of judicial incompetence, attorney fraud on one side, attorney incompetence on the other, and an o so common confidentiality clause in a dissolution stipulation. How bout just posting that clause? Pretty sure I know what it really is, and it ain't what you say. Stick to telling your tale to people that don't know better than to accept at face value a story starkly at odds with the law and common legal experience.
And for your edification, the bill has nothing to do with petitions for relief from domestic abuse or dissolution of marriage actions. It amends elements of the crime of stalking, and will not change the status quo in 232 or 598 cases at all. Your protestations about examples that will flow from adoption of this bill are simply ignorant.
And geez, now you assert the female has untethered power to cause the court to violate laws against the illegal seizure of property?
Whatever dude. Enjoy the Cairo Holiday Inn Express!
What should you have done? Hell, maybe:
Report the unethical conduct
Tell your lawyer to do his damn job
Tell the court, the judge
Not say, "oh well, the system."
1) I'll dig up the terms of the settlement that said I don't get to talk about the divorce. Give me until tonight.
2) Second paragraph, that would greatly relieve my concerns but your additional comments cause me to believe you are posting out of anger for some reason. So I don't trust you.
3) Seems to a dummy like me that a court saying I can't touch my property until they say so, without my chance to argue back, should be illegal if it isn't already.
4) I'm not anywhere near Cairo, I didn't get that one.
5) As I mentioned to IowaHawk, a good way to conclude this would be for someone to tell me what I should have done differently. I've already acknowledged my understanding that you chose not to believe what I say. We can move past that anytime you want.
Don't care if you trust me. Since you missed it when linked and explained above, click here.
Your "truth" gets sketchier and sketchier with each post. Now you are describing a restraining order regarding financial matters that DOES NOT typically go with a temporary order of protection. It handles the house, but does not freeze bank accounts. Makes me think there was a separate request for a restraining order filed in the dissolution and you choose to remember it all as the fault of some crooked lawyer in an unfair domestic abuse situation.
What should you have done?
not be a cheapskate and choose "self-help" legal service plan-lawyer was a block away and it wouldn't have taken much to have him there-talk about penny wise and pound foolish
not run away from the courthouse at the time of your hearing
get a copy of whatever you claim was waived in your face-in no circumstance should you have walked away without any paper or communication directly from the court-
after you did talk to your lawyer, go back to the courthouse and tell the judge you want to make a record of what happened
Insist if the hearing was to be reset the order be amended pending the reset hearing
cross examine
file for amendment of the order immediately after you failed to do so at the hearing and learned of alleged skullduggery-get the skullduggery on record
file for amendment of the order to release funds for legal expense which could have been done at any time-goes without saying judges and lawyers tend to ok that request
use any one of several opportunities to argue back, and when you choose not to don't claim you didn't have the chance to argue back
but first and foremost: DON'T ASSAULT YOUR WIFE! (sorry, couldn't help myself on that one)