Iowa gaming commission


Team MVP
Gold Member
Dec 9, 2002
Had 19 year old granddaughter try and use fake ID to get into Wtloo casino X-Mas eve from Penn and got caught using it. Straight A student in college and not even parking ticket to her name. Totally agree it was bad move but now gaming commission filed charges and has to go turn herself in to police tomorrow and is petrified. Might be a life changing event and don’t see severity of crime but matches up with athletes from IA and IA State and think they are getting a little out of control, thoughts?
Just saw the director of Racing and Gaming was/is leaving. Some of the discovery that came out in the criminal cases revealed that he wasn’t happy with far these offenses were getting drug into the criminal system. Even though he said that didn’t have anything to do with him leaving the commission.
Had 19 year old granddaughter try and use fake ID to get into Wtloo casino X-Mas eve from Penn and got caught using it. Straight A student in college and not even parking ticket to her name. Totally agree it was bad move but now gaming commission filed charges and has to go turn herself in to police tomorrow and is petrified. Might be a life changing event and don’t see severity of crime but matches up with athletes from IA and IA State and think they are getting a little out of control, thoughts?
She needs to fight the biggest person in there or she'll never survive.
What are they charging her with? Last I knew both possession of a fake ID and use of a fake ID are simple misdemeanors punishable by a $100/200 fine and possibly a license suspension (30 days for possession, 6 month for use).
If I have seen it once I've seen it a thousand times. Its the classic American tale of young girl making a mistake and the next thing you know she is strung out, turning tricks from the back of a '73 Lincoln Continental and calling Main Street Marvin daddy.


there are various levels of what she could end up being convicted of, so a good lawyer is worth it to make sure she gets the lowest. A good lawyer will also get a deferred judgement, which will allow the incident to fall off her record after a period of time.
My first thought is why in earth would anyone think it's a good idea to try a fake at a casino. Who did she go with? Ill give the 19 yr old a pass because 19 year olds arent particularly bright sometimes, but did anyone else in the group have common sense? Was she there with family?
What are they charging her with? Last I knew both possession of a fake ID and use of a fake ID are simple misdemeanors punishable by a $100/200 fine and possibly a license suspension (30 days for possession, 6 month for use).
Agreed. My brother got busted for a fake ID in college when cops found out who was making them, and those guys gave up names of customers. He had a fine and rode a bike for 6 months as a college freshman, 3 of those over the summer when he was home.
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My first thought is why in earth would anyone think it's a good idea to try a fake at a casino. Who did she go with? Ill give the 19 yr old a pass because 19 year olds arent particularly bright sometimes, but did anyone else in the group have common sense? Was she there with family?
Yes she was there with cousins who were staying at casino and parents weren’t there at time. She was with 22 year old cousin and didn’t think it would be any different than getting into bar. Learned her lesson and is petrified and still working with attorney as don’t want it on her record as wants to be teacher or in legal field. A lot of people growing up had fake ID’s including me so hard to be to critical🫣🫣
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My advice would be for her to start posting rigorously on truth social about what a piece of shit cop is, Same for the judge once she is arraigned.
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My first thought is why in earth would anyone think it's a good idea to try a fake at a casino. Who did she go with? Ill give the 19 yr old a pass because 19 year olds arent particularly bright sometimes, but did anyone else in the group have common sense? Was she there with family?
Common sense tends to disappear more with every drink.
Had 19 year old granddaughter try and use fake ID to get into Wtloo casino X-Mas eve from Penn and got caught using it. Straight A student in college and not even parking ticket to her name. Totally agree it was bad move but now gaming commission filed charges and has to go turn herself in to police tomorrow and is petrified. Might be a life changing event and don’t see severity of crime but matches up with athletes from IA and IA State and think they are getting a little out of control, thoughts?
Banned from Isle WLoo, and probably all Caeser properties. No biggy, she can find a book in the Loo to satisfy her lust.
Just saw the director of Racing and Gaming was/is leaving. Some of the discovery that came out in the criminal cases revealed that he wasn’t happy with far these offenses were getting drug into the criminal system. Even though he said that didn’t have anything to do with him leaving the commission.
Rules are rules, especially when it comes to underaged gambling. I just hope all violators who get caught are treated the same.
21 means 21….nit 19, not 20 and 359 days…. It means 21.
Hopefully the offenders understand that gambling laws are not to be messed with or taken lightly.
Yes she was there with cousins who were staying at casino and parents weren’t there at time. She was with 22 year old cousin and didn’t think it would be any different than getting into bar. Learned her lesson and is petrified and still working with attorney as don’t want it on her record as wants to be teacher or in legal field. A lot of people growing up had fake ID’s including me so hard to be to critical🫣🫣
My son wants to be a teacher and the first thing we drilled into his head when he went to college were the few things that would make it really tough getting a job in that field. Underaged drinking, owi/dwi, drugs and fake ids are high on the list.

So I’m ok being critical. Just a stupid move on her part.
Hygiene, clean cell, mind your business, don’t gamble, don’t do any drugs you can’t pay for up front, and if you get tried, handle it in the moment.

Those six things are key.

Each state has different politics as far as mingling with other races. You’ll want to figure that out pretty quickly. Shouldn’t be difficult to look around and see.

Take one leg out of your pants when taking a shit, especially if in a dorm. Always wear your shoes, never go out into the “public” areas with your shower shoes on. DON’T tell anyone anything that you wouldn’t want every man in the prison to know. Everything comes out in the wash.

Be respectful. Have common courtesy. Please and thank you don’t go out the window in prison.

You don’t want to do anything that will cause you to stand out in any way. Don’t be overly friendly to anyone. Not saying you need to go in and punch the first person you see, but don’t be Mr. Nice guy your when you first hit the tier. Conversely, the guy that comes up to you when you first hit the tier, the one that’s friendly etc? That’s not usually someone you’ll want to make friends with. It’s usually either someone looking to exploit you directly, or someone who is trying to create perceived allies because they’re low on the totem pole.

You are who you walk with.

If someone tries you, stand up for yourself immediately. Don’t let it slide just because you want to “do your time” because that’s how you end up doing MISERABLE time and it’ll likely be worse in the long run. Even if you get beat up, fine. Take it like a man and go about your business. Everyone sees you’ll stand on business and your time will go much smoother.

Think ahead- doing a prison bid is like driving. Be defensive, watch the road, think for other people, foresee problems before they happen.

Get into a routine of self improvement. Work out. Read. Learn a language. Get your GED if you don’t have it. Come out better than you went in.
Yes she was there with cousins who were staying at casino and parents weren’t there at time. She was with 22 year old cousin and didn’t think it would be any different than getting into bar. Learned her lesson and is petrified and still working with attorney as don’t want it on her record as wants to be teacher or in legal field. A lot of people growing up had fake ID’s including me so hard to be to critical🫣🫣
First of all - tell her this would not kill either career, especially the legal career.

Second - I personally would not waste money on a lawyer unless her first appearance goes sideways or she’s too nervous/scared to go by herself. She can certainly ask for options herself. Iowa may be harder on these than MN; but MN would offer a plea immediately with a fine and deferred if someone has a clear record.
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Had 19 year old granddaughter try and use fake ID to get into Wtloo casino X-Mas eve from Penn and got caught using it. Straight A student in college and not even parking ticket to her name. Totally agree it was bad move but now gaming commission filed charges and has to go turn herself in to police tomorrow and is petrified. Might be a life changing event and don’t see severity of crime but matches up with athletes from IA and IA State and think they are getting a little out of control, thoughts?
DCI doesn't mess around with incidents at casinos.
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