Iowa @ Indiana .. pick the score and your POTG


HB All-American
Mar 9, 2017
Van Nuys, California
Good guys 45
Hosers 10

My performance of the day goes to 2 players B Smith with 120 yards and has a breakout game with a TD

ON DEFENSE.. Eppy has 2 sacks and a fumble caused and a recovery


After looking at the previous game of Indy vs OSU... I think it’s going to be a tad more of a struggle so I say ...

Iowa 40
IU 20
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Iowa -- 55
Indiana -- 17

POTG: Smith-Marsette with 3 long TD receptions. Defense scores on a pick-six and sets up another TD with a fumble recovery. Hawkeyes play first mistake-free game of the season. (BTW: Iowa 24, Indiana 10 at the half.)
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38-28 Iowa. Stanley spreads the ball around. Run game finally gets going. Perfect weather, sunny, 54 and light winds. Indy tries to pick Iowa apart with short throws and executes in the first half, but falters in the second half with 2 turnovers. Indy leads at half 21-14.
37 Hawks
35 IU

POTG: Fant if he plays, if not, WR Smith (pass to set up the run)
Potg: Brents.
Defensive slug fight. Iowa offense lays an egg as Indiana stuffs the run game (Iowa D reciprocates) and Brian decides it's critical that our guys refamiliarize themselves with running into walls. Indiana generates 400 yards of air offense but Brents in the redzone becomes a thing.
Iowa 30-17
I'm going to have fun with my play of the game (don't think it will happen, but what the heck). 60 yd flee flicker to Fant for a TD in the 2nd qtr. on 3 and 2 from our own 40. Specific enough, lol?
Oh, POTG is player of the game and not play of the game? Sorry, I'm new to this. 30-17 and my player of the game is Hooker. 9 tackles, 1 interception, 1 forced fumble.
Iowa - 28
Indiana - 17

We win thanks to the defense this week. AJ or Matt Nelson come away with POTG. Keeps Indiana at bay until our offense finally gets things going.
Iowa -- 55
Indiana -- 17

POTG: Smith-Marsette with 3 long TD receptions. Defense scores on a pick-six and sets up another TD with a fumble recovery. Hawkeyes play first mistake-free game of the season. (BTW: Iowa 24, Indiana 10 at the half.)
Not a chance
38-23. I think the offense continues to roll. Hawks need to hand the reigns over to Stanley and keep the foot on the gas. Let’s hope big blue does us a favor and makes the West interesting this year.
IU 17
Iowa 12

Hawks struggle inside the red zone and have to settle for 4/5 FG from Recinos . Hawks lose late on a TD pass in the last few minutes.
Iowa 33
Indiana 23

The game will be closer than the score, but this time it isn’t Iowa that makes the crucial mistakes. Hawks get a gift wrapped TD to end it after going back and forth for the better part of three quarters.