Iowa National Guard CRISIS!!!


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Mandatory Covid shots. The Ad Gen today spoke in the StateHouse concerned about those who have chosen not to get vaxed might have to end their phuquin' Guard career. Well son.........It was a direct order.....and Good Luck and don't let the door hit you in the ass!
How can that even be a serious consideration?
Why don't we make mountains out of molehills? Why the Guard? Is Missouri gonna invade us?
Our AG has some toughness. I'm proud of him.

The N.G. is always used in any deal we have. They need to vaccinated or be eliminated
Iowa could lose the bottom 2 tiers of counties and it would be a plus for both states.

Our AG has some toughness. I'm proud of him.

The N.G. is always used in any deal we have. They need to vaccinated or be eliminated
Then let them get vaccinated......just like they have been told. Or is being a Cornfield Commando a position where you can pick or choose your orders to follow?
Then let them get vaccinated......just like they have been told. Or is being a Cornfield Commando a position where you can pick or choose your orders to follow?

I don't think you are seeing the entire picture. He wants them to get vaccinated.
I don't think you are seeing the entire picture. He wants them to get vaccinated.
I don't think you are seeing the entire picture. He wants them to get vaccinated.
I see exactly...I just dont "see" the crisis....the order has been issued.......GET your shot! If you don't, be prepared to resign your position with the Guard. It would be nice if his "boss" would come out and tell the "slackers" to man up and get vaccinated ASAP! There is no room for "individuality" in a military force......everyone must pull in the same direction.....its a military system.....not Grandma's play house.
This makes him look like "the bad guy" in this story...when in fact is is recalcitrant soldiers. He needs some help here.....not to be left standing in the open, unprotected and subject to political winds when his boss can be a big help to him.
I see exactly...I just dont "see" the crisis....the order has been issued.......GET your shot! If you don't, be prepared to resign your position with the Guard. It would be nice if his "boss" would come out and tell the "slackers" to man up and get vaccinated ASAP! There is no room for "individuality" in a military force......everyone must pull in the same direction.....its a military system.....not Grandma's play house.
This makes him look like "the bad guy" in this story...when in fact is is recalcitrant soldiers. He needs some help here.....not to be left standing in the open, unprotected and subject to political winds when his boss can be a big help to him.

My old man did 40 years in the Guard before retirement. He is not happy about those not getting vaxed.
I can’t imagine spending the amount of time you idiots do worried about if someone gets the shot.

At this point it’s their choice, let me die. Who cares
I can’t imagine spending the amount of time you idiots do worried about if someone gets the shot.

At this point it’s their choice, let me die. Who cares
It really isn't their choice. They gave away certain choices when they signed up. It's kind of a military thing that you follow orders. It works better that way versus a bunch of people running around grabassing.
It really isn't their choice. They gave away certain choices when they signed up. It's kind of a military thing that you follow orders. It works better that way versus a bunch of people running around grabassing.
Oh ok. You’re only worried about military personal then. Got it.
I can’t imagine spending the amount of time you idiots do worried about if someone gets the shot.

At this point it’s their choice, let me die. Who cares
Not when it countermands a direct order, you dip shit! IT IS the military! I think my dad got 6 shots in 5 minutes before he was sent overseas.....and he was never "asked" if there was one or two he didn't think he needed.
phuque brown.....YOU are a piece of (libertARIan) work! have kids?
I can’t imagine spending the amount of time you idiots do worried about if someone gets the shot.

At this point it’s their choice, let me die. Who cares
How about the people they could potentially pass Covid to?

Let them die also?
I can’t imagine spending the amount of time you idiots do worried about if someone gets the shot.

At this point it’s their choice, let me die. Who cares

You realize that someone's choice not to be healthy or protect themselves.....has implications on others. Apparently you do not.
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How about the people they could potentially pass Covid to?

Let them die also?
That argument is kind of dead with Omicron…

That said….they vaccinate you in basic and it was never an issue….you have to keep vaccinations up to date while you serve….don’t get why all of a sudden it’s an issue.
Family members and friends?
Yes. If someone’s concerned about catching covid and dying they should already be vaccinated. If they aren’t, that’s their choice and their risk. Almost 2 years, anyone who wants to be already is.

Plus being vaccinated isn’t stopping the spread If you haven’t noticed the last month.
and if you haven’t noticed, vaccination isn’t exactly slowing the spread.
Oh, yes it is.......however if you said "being unvaxed hasn't slowed down the spread" YOU WOULD HAVE BE FAR MORE CORRECT.
The folks in the hospital, by a large margin are unvaxed. They have chosen to get sick, plug up the healthcare system and even die. They are to be congratulated for eliminated the excess population. Sooner or later, we will run out of these patriots. We will have to built them a statue on the National Mall in DC!
Oh, yes it is.......however if you said "being unvaxed hasn't slowed down the spread" YOU WOULD HAVE BE FAR MORE CORRECT.
The folks in the hospital, by a large margin are unvaxed. They have chosen to get sick, plug up the healthcare system and even die. They are to be congratulated for eliminated the excess population. Sooner or later, we will run out of these patriots. We will have to built them a statue on the National Mall in DC!
The issue that remains is hospitalized non vaxxed patients are occupying rooms and equipment that might be needed for other emergencies.

Being unvaccinated is a selfish act, or non act.
Oh, yes it is.......however if you said "being unvaxed hasn't slowed down the spread" YOU WOULD HAVE BE FAR MORE CORRECT.
The folks in the hospital, by a large margin are unvaxed. They have chosen to get sick, plug up the healthcare system and even die. They are to be congratulated for eliminated the excess population. Sooner or later, we will run out of these patriots. We will have to built them a statue on the National Mall in DC!

GD, listen to Joel. There are plenty of vaccinated people that need to get in for procedures, but can't, because of the selfish un-vaxed taking up hospital rooms.

I'll fight bar any one of you anti-vaxers. You are the worst.
GD, listen to Joel. There are plenty of vaccinated people that need to get in for procedures, but can't, because of the selfish un-vaxed taking up hospital rooms.

I'll fight bar any one of you anti-vaxers. You are the worst.
My older bro has had a flare up of a prostate condition and has been wearing a “bag” for 3 plus weeks because his hospital has staff shortages, created by Covid overflow. I know for many they will find this humorous...but imagine your ass wearing a catheter/ bag for 3 weeks loner than necessary because of some goddamn patriots running around in west central Illinois, exercising their “rights” as Americans by being phuquin stupid!
Today, he is scheduled for the procedure...I hope it goes off as scheduled.
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and if you haven’t noticed, vaccination isn’t exactly slowing the spread.
Given that the majority of folks in the hospital are unvaccinated, it is a certainty that it has slowed the ramifications of the virus. The unvaccinated folks are the ones doing most of the spreading, and wasting our health care resources. Because of a breathtaking combination of selfishness and stupidity.
Mandatory Covid shots. The Ad Gen today spoke in the StateHouse concerned about those who have chosen not to get vaxed might have to end their phuquin' Guard career. Well son.........It was a direct order.....and Good Luck and don't let the door hit you in the ass!
How can that even be a serious consideration?
Why don't we make mountains out of molehills? Why the Guard? Is Missouri gonna invade us?
I hate to throw water on your little fire but you are aware that over 98% of current covid cases are omicron. The vax basically doesn't work on omicron according to statements made by the CEO of Moderna and anyone else providing honest information. The vax still may protect against serious illness but it doesn't stop infection or spread. So the notion of "you need to get vaxed to protect society" is now simply a political talking point. The administration wants to act like it is doing something so they will not get off the "must get vaxed" train.

Firing people for not getting vaxed is hurting the supply chain issue and causing undue tension at this point.
You realize that someone's choice not to be healthy or protect themselves.....has implications on others. Apparently you do not.
Obesity has driving the cost of healthcare up for decades. Do we have 10 threads a day on that ?

fat shaming should be something politicians and media people do also. Instead it’s almost celebrated “accepted for who they are” bullshit.
I hate to throw water on your little fire but you are aware that over 98% of current covid cases are omicron. The vax basically doesn't work on omicron according to statements made by the CEO of Moderna and anyone else providing honest information. The vax still may protect against serious illness but it doesn't stop infection or spread. So the notion of "you need to get vaxed to protect society" is now simply a political talking point. The administration wants to act like it is doing something so they will not get off the "must get vaxed" train.

Firing people for not getting vaxed is hurting the supply chain issue and causing undue tension at this point.
Not the ones in the hospital...dumbshit. Delta is alive and kickin’ Ass...especially with the untaxed". Spread your bullshit elsewhere, son. You are a bore.
I hate to throw water on your little fire but you are aware that over 98% of current covid cases are omicron. The vax basically doesn't work on omicron according to statements made by the CEO of Moderna and anyone else providing honest information. The vax still may protect against serious illness but it doesn't stop infection or spread. So the notion of "you need to get vaxed to protect society" is now simply a political talking point. The administration wants to act like it is doing something so they will not get off the "must get vaxed" train.

Firing people for not getting vaxed is hurting the supply chain issue and causing undue tension at this point.
Peoples stupidity is “hurting” the supply chain, dick head. The “untaxed” are the country’s #1 Covid issue.
The “ untaxed” and assholes like you, Abby.
Not the ones in the hospital...dumbshit. Delta is alive and kickin’ Ass...especially with the untaxed". Spread your bullshit elsewhere, son. You are a bore.
Two suggestions for you. Brush up on your facts before you speak, it will prevent you from looking so stupid. And take a breath and smell the roses it appears you have an emotional issue. Maybe stop watching so much CNN it has you a little edgy.
I hate to throw water on your little fire but you are aware that over 98% of current covid cases are omicron. The vax basically doesn't work on omicron

No; it works pretty damn well on Omicron, which is why the large majority of patients in ICUs and on vents are NOT vaccinated.