Iowa Poll: More approve than disapprove of Iowa Legislature in 7th year of GOP control


HR King
May 29, 2001

A plurality of Iowans approve of the job the Iowa Legislature is doing as Republicans enjoy their largest Statehouse majorities in decades.

Just less than half of Iowans, 48%, say they approve of the Iowa Legislature, while 36% say they disapprove and 16% are not sure, according to a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

The poll of 805 Iowa adults was conducted March 5-8 by Selzer & Co. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Republicans are in their seventh year of controlling the House, Senate and governor’s office. The Legislature has already passed high-profile legislation this year giving families money to attend private schools, restricting gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth and limiting how much money Iowans can receive in the most severe medical malpractice lawsuits.

Lawmakers are also considering additional restrictions on LGBTQ kids, tax cuts, new requirements on public assistance programs and more.

The GOP-led Legislature earns approval from 77% of Republicans, with 10% disapproving.

Political independents are more closely divided, with 43% approving and 39% disapproving. Meanwhile, 74% of Democrats disapprove, compared with 20% who approve.


A plurality of Iowans approve of the job the Iowa Legislature is doing as Republicans enjoy their largest Statehouse majorities in decades.

Just less than half of Iowans, 48%, say they approve of the Iowa Legislature, while 36% say they disapprove and 16% are not sure, according to a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

The poll of 805 Iowa adults was conducted March 5-8 by Selzer & Co. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Republicans are in their seventh year of controlling the House, Senate and governor’s office. The Legislature has already passed high-profile legislation this year giving families money to attend private schools, restricting gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth and limiting how much money Iowans can receive in the most severe medical malpractice lawsuits.

Lawmakers are also considering additional restrictions on LGBTQ kids, tax cuts, new requirements on public assistance programs and more.

The GOP-led Legislature earns approval from 77% of Republicans, with 10% disapproving.

Political independents are more closely divided, with 43% approving and 39% disapproving. Meanwhile, 74% of Democrats disapprove, compared with 20% who approve.

God Bless Iowa!
2% increases is "defunding"....and its gonna get worse in Iowa......(economic) Class division will become more pronounced and "white flight" from public schools in urban/suburban areas is going to rise.......

Name the last Iowa governor to cut school funding.
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Name the last Iowa governor to cut school funding.
You're twisting shit again.

Giving public schools and Universities money, but not enough to keep up with expenses is called underfunded.
That's what Dim Kim has alloted. cut staff to make a budget at the public school level and universities have to raise tuition to compensate for the shortfall.

I think Iowans will be surprised how bad things are going to be in a few more years.
How did this state get to this?
Capital Christianity...."trickle down" economics....the unfairness of the tax code , economic/monetary disparity....the growth of "me first-ism" across the post WW1 Germany and what happened there..........History repeats itself if its lessons are not learned.
You're twisting shit again.

Giving public schools and Universities money, but not enough to keep up with expenses is called underfunded.
That's what Dim Kim has alloted. cut staff to make a budget at the public school level and universities have to raise tuition to compensate for the shortfall.

I think Iowans will be surprised how bad things are going to be in a few more years.

Why won't you guys answer the question?
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