Iowa Poll: Only 49% of GOP voters think Islam should be legal

Christians must be horny, 69%. I smell the devil at work with that outcome.

I have lost a lot of respect for you over this Muslim deal. If the radicals had their way they would bury you up to your neck and throw rocks at you. Additionally, they treat their women awful. Why you would want to support a religion who says you join us, or you pay a tax, or you die is beyond me.

And don't come back to the Christian bs because we aren't throwing rocks and killing gays and They are killing us as well because we aren't joining or paying the tax.
I have lost a lot of respect for you over this Muslim deal. If the radicals had their way they would bury you up to your neck and throw rocks at you. Additionally, they treat their women awful. Why you would want to support a religion who says you join us, or you pay a tax, or you die is beyond me.

And don't come back to the Christian bs because we aren't throwing rocks and killing gays and They are killing us as well because we aren't joining or paying the tax.

So you voted it should be illegal?

Also, you are wrong if you think nat or most liberals support Islam as a religion over Christianity. We may not want to see all Muslims treated like terrorists, but that doesnt mean we condone the practices of their extreme followers. You get mixed up in thinking we have to take the opposite side as you. Cons hating Islam doesnt mean libs love it. Libs that dont like Christianity probably dislike Islam even more.
@ Rocketclone - I am going to venture a guess here and say Natural has been victimized a helluva lot more by christians than he has muslims but you go on right ahead because at least ain't nobody throwing rocks.

I want to explore this more, how has natural been victimized?
I have lost a lot of respect for you over this Muslim deal. If the radicals had their way they would bury you up to your neck and throw rocks at you. Additionally, they treat their women awful. Why you would want to support a religion who says you join us, or you pay a tax, or you die is beyond me.

And don't come back to the Christian bs because we aren't throwing rocks and killing gays and They are killing us as well because we aren't joining or paying the tax.
Don't we live in a country in which a variety of religious affiliations are legal? Where in the US are Muslims saying "join us, or you pay a tax, or you die..."? I haven't come across anyone around here trying to force me to be Muslim. Have you?

Furthermore, other than the radicals themselves, who exactly is defending radical, sharia law Islam? Just like most other religions there are gradations on the liberal-conservative spectrum within Islam. I'm not saying all other religions have such a violent faction as the ultra conservative end of Islam, but there are a variety of views within virtually all religions.

For such a significant percentage of one political party to believe that a single religion should be illegal makes me question whether or not they understand what it means to be an American.
Which is the correct version? Funny that these people are "muh constitution?!?!" types.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless it is a law against islamic turrurists which all muslims are; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
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And this is the reason I can't stand Republicans.

So many of them are so reactionary it's silly. Oh a few Muslims attacked us on 9/11. . . holy crap better just rid the world of Islam then. . . because that is totally rational.

Oh a few Muslim's are living here. . . they must be here to impose Sharia law!!! Better clarify in our state constitutions that we don't accept Sharia law.
it's like the climate change deal. they say republicans are thinking climate change doesn't happen, when in fact, they are saying man made climate change does not happen. same thing with muslims: most republicans think sharia law and terrorist jihadists should be illegal. not muslims in general. but the liberals move the goalposts and change the words.
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@ Rocketclone - I am going to venture a guess here and say Natural has been victimized a helluva lot more by christians than he has muslims but you go on right ahead because at least ain't nobody throwing rocks. he alive and kicking?? I have yet to see someone in the US that is Christian bury a person because they are gay and throw rocks at their heads.
So you voted it should be illegal?

Also, you are wrong if you think nat or most liberals support Islam as a religion over Christianity. We may not want to see all Muslims treated like terrorists, but that doesnt mean we condone the practices of their extreme followers. You get mixed up in thinking we have to take the opposite side as you. Cons hating Islam doesnt mean libs love it. Libs that dont like Christianity probably dislike Islam even more.

Like I said, you either join, pay the tax, or die. They also are allowed to lie to get what they want or what they need. I don't see the Muslims marching in the streets to change things within their religion. They tried once in Iran and they took care of that bunch.
My my, how stupid we've become.

Sometimes, I detest what this country has become. Common sense across the board seems to be in short supply.
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And this is the reason I can't stand Republicans.

So many of them are so reactionary it's silly. Oh a few Muslims attacked us on 9/11. . . holy crap better just rid the world of Islam then. . . because that is totally rational.

Oh a few Muslim's are living here. . . they must be here to impose Sharia law!!! Better clarify in our state constitutions that we don't accept Sharia law.

So we are skeptical that it is a religion of peace, as everyone says. We have mosques here in the US that have produced some folks that want to go over and work with ISIS.

There have been around 40 attacks on US citizens since 9/11 in the US. Not just one. And if the Muslims are with us why aren't we seeing more of them speak out??
Which is the correct version? Funny that these people are "muh constitution?!?!" types.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless it is a law against islamic turrurists which all muslims are; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I totally agree, however, as we have seen, laws can be changed by executive order. So how do we handle that?
So we are skeptical that it is a religion of peace, as everyone says. We have mosques here in the US that have produced some folks that want to go over and work with ISIS.

There have been around 40 attacks on US citizens since 9/11 in the US. Not just one. And if the Muslims are with us why aren't we seeing more of them speak out??

You are aware that there is about a billion people who identify as Muslim. The extent to which each one is violent depends on the individual person.

Also they have spoken out against the terrorists. . . but you ignore them. However their speech has no more ability to stop the terrorists then yours or mine.
Like I said, you either join, pay the tax, or die. They also are allowed to lie to get what they want or what they need. I don't see the Muslims marching in the streets to change things within their religion. They tried once in Iran and they took care of that bunch.

There must be a new talking points bulletin on evil Muslims. Both you and IMCC have recently mentioned they are allowed to lie. So are you in the position that Islam should be illegal in the US?
I have lost a lot of respect for you over this Muslim deal. If the radicals had their way they would bury you up to your neck and throw rocks at you. Additionally, they treat their women awful. Why you would want to support a religion who says you join us, or you pay a tax, or you die is beyond me.

And don't come back to the Christian bs because we aren't throwing rocks and killing gays and They are killing us as well because we aren't joining or paying the tax.
How in hades is that the message you got from my post crudely referencing foreplay? Have you lost your sense of humor? Why in the world would you think I like Islam? I've stated flat out I do not favor it and I appreciate that Christians have chosen the secular path on a host of issues from sexual orientation, gender and even religious tolerance ironically.
You are aware that there is about a billion people who identify as Muslim. The extent to which each one is violent depends on the individual person.

Also they have spoken out against the terrorists. . . but you ignore them. However their speech has no more ability to stop the terrorists then yours or mine.

I haven't seen any marching in the streets. And you do know they can lie to get what they want, correct?
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What are you even implying?

I am implying the constitution really doesn't have much meaning anymore. If a president elects not to enforce a certain law, they simply sign an Executive Order that says this law will not be enforced anymore. One person changes the law.
How in hades is that the message you got from my post crudely referencing foreplay? Have you lost your sense of humor? Why in the world would you think I like Islam? I've stated flat out I do not favor it and I appreciate that Christians have chosen the secular path on a host of issues from sexual orientation, gender and even religious tolerance ironically.

I stand corrected and apologize. I can't help but be a bit skeptical about Islam and what their intentions are.
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There must be a new talking points bulletin on evil Muslims. Both you and IMCC have recently mentioned they are allowed to lie. So are you in the position that Islam should be illegal in the US?

Do some checking Biscuit and don't be so naïve. The religion is based on the montra of you join, you pay the tax, or you die. he alive and kicking?? I have yet to see someone in the US that is Christian bury a person because they are gay and throw rocks at their heads.
Just to get real for a moment, this does happen in the US. Gays are killed for being gay and often with religious justification. The difference is when this happens we don't blame all Christians and suggest they should be outlawed. Today there is a bill working its way through the California ballot initiative process that requires killing gay people. It's authored by a devout Christian who wants to insert biblical law into practice (just like a muslim might with sharia). Have you even heard of it? I bet not. That's how little credence we give to Christian crazies. I'd suggest that's an appropriate reaction to most blow hards.
Like I said, you either join, pay the tax, or die. They also are allowed to lie to get what they want or what they need. I don't see the Muslims marching in the streets to change things within their religion. They tried once in Iran and they took care of that bunch.
The point is: are they doing that in the USA?

Point out exactly where in the USA Muslims are saying " either join, pay the tax, or die."

I don't care about what's going on in other countries. Let's focus on the USA.
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I haven't seen any marching in the streets. And you do know they can lie to get what they want, correct?

I'm pretty sure everyone is capable of lying to get what they want. It's not some super special Muslim power.

Now as to addressing your concern that their religion endorses this. . . it's simply not true. Again it's a case of people with their own axes to grind and biases against that religion going and reading their holy book, picking out a few verses and interpreting them to fit their narrative.

And the rallies. . . they happen. . . you and others just choose to ignore them.
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There must be a new talking points bulletin on evil Muslims. Both you and IMCC have recently mentioned they are allowed to lie. So are you in the position that Islam should be illegal in the US?

Yeah, they both seem to enjoy displaying their ignorance at every chance they get. Wingnuts first started spewing this nonsense as an argument against the Iran nuclear deal. Ben Carson is the most recent one to be spreading the nonsense:

If you scroll across the Internet, or just stick “taqiyya” into a Twitter search, you will stumble across many videos and articles from groups hostile to Islam arguing that “taqiyya” is central to Islam and permits a Muslim to lie with impunity to nonbelievers. The argument largely stems from two parts of the Koran:

“Whoever expresses disbelief in God after having accepted belief [will suffer greatly] – except him who is forced while his heart is still at peace in belief” (16:106)

“Let not the believers take unbelievers for their allies in preference to believers. Whoever does this has no connection with God, unless you but guard yourselves against them as a precaution.” (3:28)

But experts in Islamic law say that these Internet scholars have completely corrupted the meaning of the words.

The word “taqiyya” derives from the Arabic words for “piety” and “fear of God” and indicates when a person is in a state of caution, said Khaled Abou El Fadl, a professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles and a leading authority on Islam.

Essentially, the Koran suggests that a person who faces religious persecution can withhold the identity of their faith in order to avoid bodily harm or death. The concept was particularly embraced by Shiites, who took steps to hide their religious beliefs from the majority Sunnis. But some Sunnis also practiced taqiyya, particularly the Moriscos, Muslims who were forced to convert to Catholicism in Spain during the 1500s.

The concept is also not unknown to other religions. Jews in Spain during the Inquisition also pretended to convert to Catholicism.

“Yes, it is permissible to hide the fact you are Muslim” if a person is under threat, “as long as it does not involve hurting another person,” Abou El Fadl said. “But there is no concept that would encourage a Muslim to lie to pursue a goal. That is a complete invention. Any Muslim is raised on the idea that lying is a sin.”

“It is a dispensation within some aspects of Shia law, which was developed out of the experience of a persecuted religious minority,” said Omid Safi, director of the Duke University Islamic Studies Center. “In brief, it states to value human life over declaration of faith. It is the proverbial question: If a Shia is being persecuted, and someone holds a gun to your head asking ‘are you a Shia?’ you are allowed to say ‘no’ in order to save a human life.”

Another expert on Islamic law, Noah Feldman of Harvard Law School, agreed that Carson’s comment was “very much oversimplified to the point of misrepresentation.” As Feldman put it, “taqiyya is dissimulation when one is being oppressed or tortured or having one’s views banned, a bit like Jesuit dispensation to lie under oath when your life is in danger.”

Safi said “the Taqiyya conversation is today part and parcel of the Islamophobic attack against American Muslims,” in which no matter what a Muslim says, he or she can’t be trusted.

“If an American Muslim (or Muslim more generally) says that they want to kill Americans, we take them at face value,” said Safi as an example of the Catch-22. “If an American Muslim (or Muslims more generally) says that they are committed to American democratic principles and pluralism, we state that they are of course lying, and hoping to achieve nefarious goals.”

Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute, said that the claim made little sense because Islam is a proselytizing religion, like Christianity. “You’re supposed to preach it from the rooftops and the minarets” in order to gain adherents, not keep the religion a secret, he said. Advocates of the alternative version of taqiyya have “dragged a rather obscure and marginal concept out of the corner” to make broad-brush accusations against Muslims, he said.’s-claim-about-a-section-of-the-koran.39614/
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I am constantly being pestered by Muslims. Aren't you?

They come up on our porches. They knock on our doors. They act all friendly and normal. But I can tell they are Muslims because they hand out brochures on something to do with Watchtowers, and we all know that Muslims have all those watchtowers.

Ban them, I say.
The point is: are they doing that in the USA?

Point out exactly where in the USA Muslims are saying " either join, pay the tax, or die."

I don't care about what's going on in other countries. Let's focus on the USA.

You aren't going to hear it in the USA. Again, they are going to do what they have to do to advance their religion. I wish we could focus just on the US, but I have a feeling we will be seeing some folks from Syria pulled in since they don't know what to do with them, so we are importing now.
Yeah, they both seem to enjoy displaying their ignorance at every chance they get. Wingnuts first started spewing this nonsense as an argument against the Iran nuclear deal. Ben Carson is the most recent one to be spreading the nonsense:

If you scroll across the Internet, or just stick “taqiyya” into a Twitter search, you will stumble across many videos and articles from groups hostile to Islam arguing that “taqiyya” is central to Islam and permits a Muslim to lie with impunity to nonbelievers. The argument largely stems from two parts of the Koran:

“Whoever expresses disbelief in God after having accepted belief [will suffer greatly] – except him who is forced while his heart is still at peace in belief” (16:106)

“Let not the believers take unbelievers for their allies in preference to believers. Whoever does this has no connection with God, unless you but guard yourselves against them as a precaution.” (3:28)

But experts in Islamic law say that these Internet scholars have completely corrupted the meaning of the words.

The word “taqiyya” derives from the Arabic words for “piety” and “fear of God” and indicates when a person is in a state of caution, said Khaled Abou El Fadl, a professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles and a leading authority on Islam.

Essentially, the Koran suggests that a person who faces religious persecution can withhold the identity of their faith in order to avoid bodily harm or death. The concept was particularly embraced by Shiites, who took steps to hide their religious beliefs from the majority Sunnis. But some Sunnis also practiced taqiyya, particularly the Moriscos, Muslims who were forced to convert to Catholicism in Spain during the 1500s.

The concept is also not unknown to other religions. Jews in Spain during the Inquisition also pretended to convert to Catholicism.

“Yes, it is permissible to hide the fact you are Muslim” if a person is under threat, “as long as it does not involve hurting another person,” Abou El Fadl said. “But there is no concept that would encourage a Muslim to lie to pursue a goal. That is a complete invention. Any Muslim is raised on the idea that lying is a sin.”

“It is a dispensation within some aspects of Shia law, which was developed out of the experience of a persecuted religious minority,” said Omid Safi, director of the Duke University Islamic Studies Center. “In brief, it states to value human life over declaration of faith. It is the proverbial question: If a Shia is being persecuted, and someone holds a gun to your head asking ‘are you a Shia?’ you are allowed to say ‘no’ in order to save a human life.”

Another expert on Islamic law, Noah Feldman of Harvard Law School, agreed that Carson’s comment was “very much oversimplified to the point of misrepresentation.” As Feldman put it, “taqiyya is dissimulation when one is being oppressed or tortured or having one’s views banned, a bit like Jesuit dispensation to lie under oath when your life is in danger.”

Safi said “the Taqiyya conversation is today part and parcel of the Islamophobic attack against American Muslims,” in which no matter what a Muslim says, he or she can’t be trusted.

“If an American Muslim (or Muslim more generally) says that they want to kill Americans, we take them at face value,” said Safi as an example of the Catch-22. “If an American Muslim (or Muslims more generally) says that they are committed to American democratic principles and pluralism, we state that they are of course lying, and hoping to achieve nefarious goals.”

Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute, said that the claim made little sense because Islam is a proselytizing religion, like Christianity. “You’re supposed to preach it from the rooftops and the minarets” in order to gain adherents, not keep the religion a secret, he said. Advocates of the alternative version of taqiyya have “dragged a rather obscure and marginal concept out of the corner” to make broad-brush accusations against Muslims, he said.’s-claim-about-a-section-of-the-koran.39614/

Ya, nothing ever happens and you can print all the crap you want. Excuse me for being skeptical since they have been responsible for 40 attacks in the US alone since 9/11 and now we have them wanting to move to Syria to join ISIS.

Yup nothing to see here.
I am constantly being pestered by Muslims. Aren't you?

They come up on our porches. They knock on our doors. They act all friendly and normal. But I can tell they are Muslims because they hand out brochures on something to do with Watchtowers, and we all know that Muslims have all those watchtowers.

Ban them, I say.

As the lady said to the New Jersey School board. "We will not be in the minority for long". That is very telling to me.
I want to explore this more, how has natural been victimized?
I've been fortunate not to have been attacked much in my life for who I am. Outside of a couple incidents in Chicago and one in Miami the world has been cool with me personally. Living in Iowa I've enjoyed legal protections since 2000 thanks to Governor Vilsack (who I believe is a Catholic) and reinforced by a truly wise Iowa Supreme Court. Iowa has a proud civil rights record having led the nation on gender, race and orientation equality since its founding. We are one of the good states and I think that's pretty sexy.
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This constant referencing of ill prepared polls has gotten totally out of hand in this country. I don't for a minute believe that 51% of conservative American voters would be willing to outlaw the Muslim faith. I call Bullshit......
Trump's probably not hurting himself too much with his negativity toward Muslims either- only 49% of Republicans think the religion of Islam should even be legal in the United States with 30% saying it shouldn't be and 21% not sure.

Also, 69% think Obama is waging a war on Christianity.
How in the world can the party of freedom feel this way? So the GOP thinks it's acceptable to control which religion people can have?
I have lost a lot of respect for you over this Muslim deal. If the radicals had their way they would bury you up to your neck and throw rocks at you. Additionally, they treat their women awful. Why you would want to support a religion who says you join us, or you pay a tax, or you die is beyond me.

And don't come back to the Christian bs because we aren't throwing rocks and killing gays and They are killing us as well because we aren't joining or paying the tax.

Actually Muslims adopted stoning from Christians.
This constant referencing of ill prepared polls has gotten totally out of hand in this country. I don't for a minute believe that 51% of conservative American voters would be willing to outlaw the Muslim faith. I call Bullshit......
I think they would try banning it. The GOP has tried many times to write anti-sharia laws into our books. It's not much of a leap to think they would simply try to ban Islam altogether. Keep in mind that this is the same party that believes that Obama is Muslim.
Didn't Peter lie 3 times before the cock crowed?
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I think they would try banning it. The GOP has tried many times to write anti-sharia laws into our books. It's not much of a leap to think they would simply try to ban Islam altogether. Keep in mind that this is the same party that believes that Obama is Muslim.
Christians LIKE sharia law. At least they like the Christian version. What else would you call the interest in so-called religious freedom - as seen in the gay marriage cases in the news recently? Aren't religious extremists from both traditions claiming that God's laws should supersede man's laws? Don't both want prayer and religious practice to suffuse public spaces and government actions?
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