Ipsos Poll post Biden drop out!

a couple days ago i felt that if biden dropped out it would deal a fatal to dems chances. instead kamala appears to have turned things around completely. the couple clips i’ve seen of her have been solid and energetic. the word salad image i now suspect is a manufactured one using short clips without context.
not saying she’ll beat djt but harris is definitely far better than i’d been led to believe.
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It will come down to three states. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
If Harris picks Shapiro as VP, she probably has PA in the bag. That leaves Michigan and Wisconsin to win.

The Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania focus was from when Biden was still the candidate. It's possible that Kamala's entry will change the states in play.
You are really triggered.

How is this any different than the OP who was giddy about posting the opposite. I mean Harris should win this election. She’s going against Donald freaking Trump. A convicted felon. If libs are so right on the issues as they say and they have finally axed Bidem there really is no reason they should lose this election. Would be worse than 2016.
a couple days ago i felt that if biden dropped out it would deal a fatal to dems chances. instead kamala appears to have turned things around completely. the couple clips i’ve seen of her have been solid and energetic. the word salad image i now suspect is a manufactured one using short clips without context.
not saying she’ll beat djt but harris is definitely far better than i’d been led to believe.
You thought getting rid of a person who cannot function as a human being would be detrimental to the Dems? Really???
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You thought getting rid of a person who cannot function as a human being would be detrimental to the Dems? Really???
figured a slick team would run the show and he would make respectable cameo appearances. it’s been pulled off before
figured a slick team would run the show and he would make respectable cameo appearances. it’s been pulled off before
I mean it’s disgusting his family was running him out there but there have been credible stories out there that he’s been gone since the early days of his administration. People should be held liable but they wont.
Agree, but I may have missed it, but I didn't see trump get a bump after the rnc convention.

Since streaming has taken over television I suspect ratings for conventions is WAAAY down from the previous six or seven decades, making the conventions less newsworthy and thus providing a smaller bump.
Repeat after me:
1. Only battleground polls matter.
2. National polls based on RVs matter even less.
3. We're still waaaayyy too proximate to the noise event for any poll to be meaningful.
Sage adevice Aardvark…. However it has never stopped the Trumpf/MAGAt camp… this is nothing more than a little “ take that”…..November is long ways off..
Someone should have told Trumpf to be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. He’s got it now… he and Vance are going to have to play their “A” game from here on out…
It will come down to three states. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
If Harris picks Shapiro as VP, she probably has PA in the bag. That leaves Michigan and Wisconsin to win.
Heard the opinion this weekend that Shapiro would help in PA but hurt in MI with the Palastinian population?