is bowling a sport?

is bowling a sport?

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I used to believe they weren't. But once I accepted that they have to drive in a vehicle that gets over 100+ degrees for 500 miles in only say 3 hours - my bet is the physical stresses they are under are comparable to say a jet fighter pilot, and you have to be in pretty incredible shape to handle those kinds of forces.

And that's "just Nascar". Imagine what an F1 driver has to endure!

I don't watch much racing any more...but what I do see is when I do watch it, you don't see any fat asses climbing into the cockpits any more.
Don't get me wrong, I could not do what they do. I just cannot call driving being an athlete.
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It’s as much a sport as wrestling. Those guys just roll around on the floor grabbing each other.
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It certainly is. Doesn’t require a lot of cardio. It’s where I draw my line from pool and poker.
My working definition has always been if no one is playing defense, it's not a sport. Athletic competition maybe.
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It’s a sport. But the more interesting question is which sport has the best athletes. Bowlers would never be part of that conversation, and I believe all would agree on that.

So while it is a sport, not all sports are created equal.

Depends on what you consider to be the best athlete. The fastest person, the person who's most agile, the strongest person, the person who can go the longest, or a combination of all of those??

As far as bowling it's a sport because the skill is a physical skill and the winner isn't that dependent upon quality of equipment.

I don't actually think of NASCAR as a sport because it's too equipment based. You can take the best NASCAR driver out there and if I trade my ford focus with his race car, I will beat him in a race. Because I don't know how fast I can go and still keep control of the car, but I know that speed is higher than the top speed of a ford focus.

Bowling and golf are different because I could get the most expensive custom designed equipment and you can give the pro cheap equipment that your grand-dad used in the 1960's that somehow got handed down to you and the pro will still kick my ass. That's just a general rule that I have in my head regarding if something is a sport or not. The other rule is it has to be a physical skill too, so mental skills like chess don't qualify as the skill is in the choice of moves not the physical moving of the pieces.
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I do consider bowling to be a sport, as is golf. Just because someone who isn't competing seriously can do it while drinking a beer & smoking a cigar doesn't make it not a sport - there are recreational leagues all over the world in sports such as softball, basketball, soccer, etc. where the teams have coolers of beer instead of jugs of sports drinks.

BTW, I have a buddy who is on the PBA senior tour, I think it's called the PBA50 or something like that. He won a couple of tournaments last season.