What happens in a few years when that 30 team superleague of the nation's best programs has established a clear top half and a clear bottom half? That will inevitably happen. Won't those top-15 programs get tired of carrying the bottom 15 and splitting the pot with all that dead weight? Then if/when the top half splits off to create its own superduperconference, and the same thing happens with a top half and bottom half, won't those top 7-8 teams get tired of carrying the bottom half and decide to split off to secure even more $$$ for themselves? Rinse, repeat.
This is why I don't buy the elite superconference of bluebloods happening. Because after a while, half of those bluebloods won't be bluebloods anymore. Their programs will be diminished, their brands will be diminished, they won't command the viewership they once did because they're .500 programs.
If it's pure greed that would drive all these bluebloods to form their own superconference, why would anyone think that greed would suddenly go away when half of those bluebloods aren't bluebloods anymore?