Interesting article in the October 24 issue of the Economist about how the Army is struggling to meet recruiting goals. The article goes in depth to examine who is volunteering these days. Hint, they are not white, middle class or above, and college educated. The military is now fighting for a smaller and smaller pool of eligible/willing volunteers as the economy improves.
Noted in the article is the overall flabbiness of American youth these days, and how so many are precluded from military service due to a lack of physical fitness, tattoos, and a criminal past. We as a nation spend a large amount of money trying to recruit the dwindling pool into the military.
Would you be for a military draft if the services were structured around a professional cadre of non-coms and officers? Would we be better served increasing the pay and benefits of this professional cadre to entice the best to stay in the military? Should there be stringent rules to keep people from avoiding the draft such as forced alternatives like Teach For America? You say your left clavicle is 1/4 inch above your right and you can't serve in the military, so go teach high school in an inner city.
Noted in the article is the overall flabbiness of American youth these days, and how so many are precluded from military service due to a lack of physical fitness, tattoos, and a criminal past. We as a nation spend a large amount of money trying to recruit the dwindling pool into the military.
Would you be for a military draft if the services were structured around a professional cadre of non-coms and officers? Would we be better served increasing the pay and benefits of this professional cadre to entice the best to stay in the military? Should there be stringent rules to keep people from avoiding the draft such as forced alternatives like Teach For America? You say your left clavicle is 1/4 inch above your right and you can't serve in the military, so go teach high school in an inner city.