ISIS claims it took down Russian airline killing 200 plus. ISIS won't exist in 90 days IMO.
I wonder if ISIS was really involved or just figured it was something worth claiming?
Seems unlikely they did it. But it's amazing to think there are that many people so sick and evil that they WANT to take credit for it.
Highly unlikely they took it down at 32,000 ft.
Seems unlikely they did it. But it's amazing to think there are that many people so STUPID they WANT to take credit for it.
While the US and Russia are certainly not on swapping spit terms I could easily see the 2 working together if ISIS launched attacks at both. Maybe ISIS should ask Hitler how that worked for him having both the US and Russia to handle at the same time.
Entirely possible someone saw an opportunity to set ISIS up even if neither they not ISIS are responsible for this plane wreck.
Seems unlikely they did it. But it's amazing to think there are that many people so STUPID they WANT to take credit for it.
While the US and Russia are certainly not on swapping spit terms I could easily see the 2 working together if ISIS launched attacks at both. Maybe ISIS should ask Hitler how that worked for him having both the US and Russia to handle at the same time.
Entirely possible someone saw an opportunity to set ISIS up even if neither they nor ISIS are responsible for this plane wreck.
I'm long past being surprised at any level of stupidity. Half of all Americans don't believe in evolution.
I'm long past being surprised at any level of stupidity. Half of all Americans don't believe in evolution. But I am still shocked at the craven lack of humanity that is so widespread.
Hyperbole much?
Has Obama come out in their defense yet?ISIS claims it took down Russian airline killing 200 plus. ISIS won't exist in 90 days IMO.
Sorry. Rounding from 42% to half on HROT falls - at worst - into the "slight exaggeration" category. Not the "hyperbole" category.42 percent does not equal "half".
I would not put that past Vladmir Putin.Russia took down their own jet, as an excuse to exterminate ISIS.
ISIS can claim all they want, but, they didn't shoot anything down that was flying at 30,000+ feet.
42 percent does not equal "half".
Russia took down their own jet, as an excuse to exterminate ISIS.
It wasn't even over or anywhere near any territory they hold. More likely an accident, or an Egyptian extremist group.
Seems unlikely they did it. But it's amazing to think there are that many people so STUPID they WANT to take credit for it.
While the US and Russia are certainly not on swapping spit terms I could easily see the 2 working together if ISIS launched attacks at both. Maybe ISIS should ask Hitler how that worked for him having both the US and Russia to handle at the same time.
Entirely possible someone saw an opportunity to set ISIS up even if neither they nor ISIS are responsible for this plane wreck.
Not saying that they did.....but do you think ISIS is only residing in the territory they hold? We have intelligence reports that have proven ISIS elements inside the U.S. ISIS is all over the Middle East and North Africa. They are also in Europe.
Remember, Hitler went after the Jews, too. Unless he and Russia want to rid the world of all Moslims, he will eventually have hell to pay some day.One thing Putin won't pussy foot around with going after ISIS. And he'll do it ruthlessly......which is embarrassing for Obama for playing patty-cake with them for the past 2-3 years.
Are you really Lindsey Graham?Not saying that they did.....but do you think ISIS is only residing in the territory they hold? We have intelligence reports that have proven ISIS elements inside the U.S. ISIS is all over the Middle East and North Africa. They are also in Europe.
On a similar note, ISIL claimed credit for giving me tendonitis earlier in the week. Then they claimed credit for curing it with steroids.
Won't happen. Putin is trying to strengthen Russia thru showing the world that they are a military force. He is also trying to embarrass Obama in Syria....and now has a reason to move into Iraq as he has been amassing troops inside Syria. If he sends troops into Iraq and pushes the US out of the way to take matters into his own hands. It's a foreign policy nightmare for the US.
And my prediction is that this is exactly what Putin is going to do, if the ISIS claim is legit.
Are you really Lindsey Graham?
We're afraid they'll be successful.What's the problem with letting Russia take over the Middle East problem? We save money and it puts the bulls eye squarely on their back.
That sounds like something Lindsey Graham would ask another you desire to make out with me?
What's the problem with letting Russia take over the Middle East problem? We save money and it puts the bulls eye squarely on their back.
So you're fine with Russia becoming the dominant power, and turning those nations into client-states? You're ok with relinquishing political influence, and geostrategic control of the Suez region?
Russia will not "take over the middle eastern problem"....they will seek to dominate the region. WHY? Because they aren't going to pussy foot around with the issues. They are going to go and take care of the issues, because they US can't pull their heads out of their asses and commit to actually fixing anything in the region.
It's not an Obama thing. The U.S. has been concerned about image and collateral damage from the start. Neither side (Ror D) is willing to say "F all of you, we're ending this thing". "We" went into a hive with a fly swatter and it's been more a matter of containment than commitment . . . imo.One thing Putin won't pussy foot around with going after ISIS. And he'll do it ruthlessly......which is embarrassing for Obama for playing patty-cake with them for the past 2-3 years.
(CNN)[Breaking news alert, posted at 3:08 p.m. ET Wednesday]
The latest U.S. intelligence suggests that the crash of Metrojet Flight 9268 was most likely caused by a bomb on the plane planted by ISIS or an ISIS affiliate, according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter. The official stressed that there has not been a formal conclusion reached by the U.S. intelligence community. "There is a definite feeling it was an explosive device planted in luggage or somewhere on the plane," the official told CNN's Barbara Starr.