It appears selling pardons is now legal

Huey Grey

HR King
Jan 15, 2013
Whatever you think of them, they were likely destined to to fill their positions regardless the Republican in office. Trump just got lucky
Yeah, well don't forget that Obama should have had a pick in his last year but Mitch and Chucky stonewalled it because it was "too close to the next election". Then the same two rammed one through in a month in Trump's last year.

That's two picks the Dems should have had. It probably would have changed everything.
Marc Rich agrees.

Wow, timely reference.
Yeah, well don't forget that Obama should have had a pick in his last year but Mitch and Chucky stonewalled it because it was "too close to the next election". Then the same two rammed one through in a month in Trump's last year.

That's two picks the Dems should have had. It probably would have changed everything.
That's one.
If Obama gets to appoint someone in his last year, Trump does too. McConnell outplayed you. Accept it and don't let it happen the next time.
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For money?

Who knows. I've have little faith in the system to begin with. Some presidents use the power very liberally.

Trump granted 237 acts of clemency during his four years in the White House

His predecessor, Barack Obama, granted clemency 1,927 times over the course of eight years in office, the highest total of any president going back to Harry Truman.

That's one.
If Obama gets to appoint someone in his last year, Trump does too. McConnell outplayed you. Accept it and don't let it happen the next time.
You're right.

I will try my best to out-maneuver the Senate Majority Leader next time.
Heck, Biden ignored the Supreme Court on the student loans

It was nice though telling the student loan people to refund the payoff i made during covid and then having the government pay them off instead. Thanks Joe!
Biden is president. So these hypothetical ideas actually apply to Biden. Dems are sick f***s.
Could be but not likely. Trump on the other hand has pushed every loophole/legality for years so my confidence in him not abusing his power isn’t very high.
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It could never happen where a President pardons the fugitive spouse of a mega donor . Couldn’t even dream that up
After Trump's pardons of close advisors/associates, you're trying to do a Marc Rich mic drop in this thread? LOL.

Bannon is at least now facing some jail time for something. See also Roger Stone and a bunch of other crooks in the Trump orbit who got their pardons.
Point being that selling pardons is nothing new and all this hysteria about Trump wielding supreme power if re-elected is a load of crap. If the Democrats actually believed that, then Biden has the same power.
Oh you people are such supreme hypocrites. So full of shit. Yesterday's spazz out is today's La di da. Pardons, but-her-emails, you name it.
It's a lot easier and a whole lot quicker to make a list of people in Trump orbit who haven't been convicted of crimes.

Really incredible that he has support from 40-45% of the voting public.

And kinda sad people are so easily duped.