Something’s Rotten About the Justices Taking So Long on Trump’s Immunity Case

Trump picked them for a reason.
Well we now have a garbage court, handpicked by the Federalist society. It sure as hell wasn't picked by Crazy corrupt Filthy Don, as he isn't that bright. They have no rules, no laws, NO NOTHING.
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So Trump saying something - without offering a shred of proof - makes it a fact? And then offering alternate facts that defy what we saw with our own eyes on January 6 is…still proof?

I’m not saying that you’re in a cult, OiT, but you’re probably in a cult.
He might not be in a cult. But he's a poster child for a cult member in serious need of reprogramming therapy.
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So attacking a judge in a jury case is off limits but one without is ok?

Care to comment on the attacks on Judge Cannon?
No - you missed the point yet again. You're comparing a court that has 1/3 of it's judges appointed by Trump to one with a jury made up of 12 who were picked by the lawyers to be unbiased. The judges deserve the scrutiny they are getting.

I have more faith in juries than I do the SC right now.

Cannon? C'mon, you can't be that far gone - can you?
So Cannon is immune from criticism when she’s clearly working for the Trump defense?

I’m confused how this confirms anything. She’s objectively in the bag for Trump. So we should remain quiet?
No fire away. Just don’t get your panties in a bunch when the other side does the same thing.
Kind of like how trump supporters attacked the manhattan judge who’s daughter worked as a Democrat consultant?
It's a different situation SCOTUS/State jury trial, Wife directly involved in January 6/ daughter involved in Democratic politics.... I think the tiny donation he made to Biden campaign ($30?) was actually more problematic given judicial ethics rules. I guess it would have been better to recuse in that case as well?
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Just let him live in his little world where "BoTh SiDeS" can be mentioned during any discussion on any topic. I hate damn near all politicians, can acknowledge a "both sides" argument when there's one to be made. Hell, I've even been called out by "leftists" on here before for agreeing with a both sides post awhile back. But there's not one to be made here. He's just trying too hard because that's the character he plays here.
On Threads I get into with other lefties who are pissed off and trying to cancel Katie Tur. I know Democrats aren't perfect. Tur is awesome, imo, and because Pelosi said ONE thing to her, people went looney about her. Same thing as when lefties get pissed at Bill Maher. I agree with him constantly whether he is calling out the right or left. There are things the far left is stupid about...they just aren't MAGA stupid.

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