Friday is a blue-collar holiday, a day to look forward to
drinking beer non-stop over the weekend. This works
great for bachelors who have no family responsibilities.
These are the guys who dropped out of high school and
got a job in the shipping department at Walmart.
Friday is a blue-collar holiday, a day to look forward to
drinking beer non-stop over the weekend. This works
great for bachelors who have no family responsibilities.
These are the guys who dropped out of high school and
got a job in the shipping department at Walmart.
Or it may also be a day that families can spend time with each other and enjoy each others company without the draining and taxing work to interfere with that. This is a terribly negative post right here and it most certainly is a Debbie downer of the highest order.Friday is a blue-collar holiday, a day to look forward to
drinking beer non-stop over the weekend. This works
great for bachelors who have no family responsibilities.
These are the guys who dropped out of high school and
got a job in the shipping department at Walmart.