Its not only the offensive philosophy

Irvin 88

HR All-State
Nov 11, 2017
You also have to recruit players who will keep the defense honest. EVERY week I watch other teams....NOT JUST THE SEC....that have guys that get behind and "run away" from the defense in the open field and score. I have seen VERY little of that with our skill positions on offense for years and years....we get one RB and pretty much use him exclusively all 4 years....started with Weisman years we are exclusively using a tweener at RB and expecting him to run up with the middle with very little blocking....the QB once he is named the starter plays until he graduates or gets hurt imitating a Cigar Store Indian....WR's are always a bunch of try hards with very little break away speed....we need a new recruiting philosophy too, but that isn't gonna change. KF LOVES to hear how great he is at "coaching up" 2-3 Star players....he gets no credit for winning with 4-5 star athletes, so he uses the "they don't fit our system BS" Problem is, you live on a razors edge trying to "coach up" a team 12 games in a row.....if you have better athletes, you can sometimes win when you throw out the occasional clunker game. But what does he care....winning a watered down West is his only goal, so maybe some decade he might just luck into it using this asinine philosophy.
He should be using the transfer portal to get talented skill players, and possibly a qb since apparently Hogan and Padilla are so bad they can't get playing time even as bad as Petras is, but then KF can't claim credit for coaching them up and using the developmental program excuse.
You also have to recruit players who will keep the defense honest. EVERY week I watch other teams....NOT JUST THE SEC....that have guys that get behind and "run away" from the defense in the open field and score. I have seen VERY little of that with our skill positions on offense for years and years....we get one RB and pretty much use him exclusively all 4 years....started with Weisman years we are exclusively using a tweener at RB and expecting him to run up with the middle with very little blocking....the QB once he is named the starter plays until he graduates or gets hurt imitating a Cigar Store Indian....WR's are always a bunch of try hards with very little break away speed....we need a new recruiting philosophy too, but that isn't gonna change. KF LOVES to hear how great he is at "coaching up" 2-3 Star players....he gets no credit for winning with 4-5 star athletes, so he uses the "they don't fit our system BS" Problem is, you live on a razors edge trying to "coach up" a team 12 games in a row.....if you have better athletes, you can sometimes win when you throw out the occasional clunker game. But what does he care....winning a watered down West is his only goal, so maybe some decade he might just luck into it using this asinine philosophy.
You say KF LOVES to hear how great he is at coaching up 2-3 * players, you obviously know nothing about Kirk Ferentz. He just loves coaching and I have never heard him say anything about himself, place praise on himself or throw a player under the bus like some other coaches. You many or may not like the way he coaches or the system her runs, but you are way off the mark as to what Kirk Ferentz loves to hear. FWIW, it has been the media that has praised Kirk for developing those 2 and 3* players. ;) I would agree however that Kirk needs to do a little modernizing with his offensive philosophies.
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He is too proud....and take advantage of something everyone else is using.....probably looks at it as cheating....they weren't "our guys"...we didn't recruit them....yuck....phew....vomit! I remember him stating years ago when asked that he wouldn't actively go after any PSU players that may wish to leave after the Sandusky scandal....that is just a stupid philosophy to not even entertain it. NEVER seen a coach in any sport at any level, be so stubborn and walk around with blinders on 24/7/ is maddening.
You say KF LOVES to hear how great he is at coaching up 2-3 * players, you obviously know nothing about Kirk Ferentz. He just loves coaching and I have never heard him say anything about himself, place praise on himself or throw a player under the bus like some other coaches. You many or may not like the way he coaches or the system her runs, but you are way off the mark as to what Kirk Ferentz loves to hear. FWIW, it has been the media that has praised Kirk for developing those 2 and 3* players. ;)
Make sure you wash his letter jacket if he asks for it back.
I agree Kirk should go out in the off-season and hit the transfer portal and JUCO ranks for a quarterback and wide receiver to complement Keegan Johnson. Unfortunately, we all know that’s not going to happen.
He is too proud....and take advantage of something everyone else is using.....probably looks at it as cheating....they weren't "our guys"...we didn't recruit them....yuck....phew....vomit! I remember him stating years ago when asked that he wouldn't actively go after any PSU players that may wish to leave after the Sandusky scandal....that is just a stupid philosophy to not even entertain it. NEVER seen a coach in any sport at any level, be so stubborn and walk around with blinders on 24/7/ is maddening.
He is open to using it, but it's true that he is extremely particular about the type of guy he is willing to bring in. Don't expect any qb's or flashy skill players.
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"just recruit better"

Genius idea. I'm sure they've never thought of that.

Does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth? again little man? Put on your mittens, and run along.....your mama is calling you.
He is open to using it, but it's true that he is extremely particular about the type of guy he is willing to bring in. Don't expect any qb's or flashy skill players.
Remind me again why "flashy" players don't work? Because he was burned ONCE with Dominique Douglas??? "Flashy" players help win NC's....."Try hards" occasionally compete for one of the worst divisions in the Power 5.
Iowa has a very non-threatening WR group. Small and no burners. No size on the perimeter for jump balls, fades or even just using a bigger body against a smaller corner. It's like almost the entire group is composed of slot receivers.
There’s nothing wrong with the athletes we’ve been recruiting at WR. If they aren’t getting open, they’re either horrible route runners, or our route tree sucks.

I miss seeing Hinkel, Brown, Solomon, Brodell, McNutt, etc. running free on crossers and drags.

And, the OL has to let guys get open. Also hasn’t been happening.
Watching the Navy-Notre Dame game and it's obvious that Navy blitzes better and more often than Iowa does. And they disguise it better. Navy.
I call out other stupid posts all the time lol

Are you really this stupid? How do you even know how to work a computer? bad....soooo....let me get this are judge and jury of a freakin MESSAGE you wear a plastic Sheriff's badge when you are laying down the law??? I am done replying to you, so feel free to say whatever....just make sure your mom knows you took your computer off of SAFE mode. bad....soooo....let me get this are judge and jury of a freakin MESSAGE you wear a plastic Sheriff's badge when you are laying down the law??? I am done replying to you, so feel free to say whatever....just make sure your mom knows you took your computer off of SAFE mode.
That's the whole point of message boards is to reply to other people lol. This is not a hard concept to grasp... for most people anyways

Take this shit less seriously, you'll live longer. I'll just put you on the list of people who can't handle being called out on their bullshit.
You say KF LOVES to hear how great he is at coaching up 2-3 * players, you obviously know nothing about Kirk Ferentz. He just loves coaching and I have never heard him say anything about himself, place praise on himself or throw a player under the bus like some other coaches. You many or may not like the way he coaches or the system her runs, but you are way off the mark as to what Kirk Ferentz loves to hear. FWIW, it has been the media that has praised Kirk for developing those 2 and 3* players. ;) I would agree however that Kirk needs to do a little modernizing with his offensive philosophies.
I believe it was earlier this season when Kirk was asked what he does at halftime and his response was “just poke my head in the offensive and defensive rooms. Not much has changed in the last 20 years.” Almost word for word but I’m sure I’m slightly off.

Honestly never see him coaching on the sidelines. Ever. It’s interesting.
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I think what everyone is alluding to is PLAYMAKERS.
Kirk did change his philosophy in terms of recruiting more speed and has done better in that area but we need playmakers at key positions.
QB, WR, DE ,SAFETY. THEN USE THEM….. We have had some in the past and for whatever reason not use them..Fant, Molieki,EPPY, I’m not so sure we don’t have a couple on this team but we don’t find ways to maximize their talents,baffling.

For the sake of me after the success of players like Tate, Banks and Hartlieb — I just don’t understand the philosophy of a strong arm/ non mobile QB— I think that has hurt us as much as anything.
Arland Bruce......
Use the portal,,,,,Absolutely— No excuse not to,,,,just laziness if you don’t attack that option. Should have one staff member in charge of it- heck we only have about 50 assistants by the time you add up, the student assistants, grad assistants, guys like Patterson, Reese, Bernie Wyatt ,not to mention consultants,etc,etc.
I believe it was earlier this season when Kirk was asked what he does at halftime and his response was “just poke my head in the offensive and defensive rooms. Not much has changed in the last 20 years.” Almost word for word but I’m sure I’m slightly off.

Honestly never see him coaching on the sidelines. Ever. It’s interesting.
I love Kirk. Yes, I wish he would get with the times and change the offense, but I don'[t think we could have a less selfish coach then we have. And I used to hear fans trash him saying he is here for the money, when he donates money back to the school. So, it does irritate me when I see people talking negative about his character, his coaching is open game. ;)
I agree Kirk should go out in the off-season and hit the transfer portal and JUCO ranks for a quarterback and wide receiver to complement Keegan Johnson. Unfortunately, we all know that’s not going to happen.

what is going to keep Keegan Johnson at IOwa, let alone getting another stud.

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