J.D. FOSTER: Democrats Did This To Themselves


HB All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Biden would have lost badly to Trump Biden withdrew and his successor will lose even worse. It is too late. They know this, as should any of the names mentioned as alternatives. They would be better off sticking with Biden, taking their lumps and moving on.

And what of the alternatives asked to make the 2024 version of Pickett’s charge? The most obvious justification for accepting the challenge is arrogance. That might lure California Gov. Gavin Newsome or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Or they might pray for a miracle. But given Trump’s millimeter survival of an assassination attempt, it is doubtful any are so religious as to put stock in miracles.

What about the good of the order, believing a credible Biden replacement might help down ballot? Such selflessness is rare among modern Democrats, but you never know.

One rationale justifies the trouble. The Democratic Party is destined for some soul-searching and wilderness time. A Biden alternative would gain invaluable experience in a national campaign plus a big boost in name recognition.

Experience and name recognition would give any 2024 sacrificial lamb a big leg up on future campaigns. But before they get too far down this road, the Democrats will first need to find a cure for timidity, because in the era of Trump-Vance, it will be chains and knives at dusk every time.

J.D. Foster is the former chief economist at the Office of Management and Budget and former chief economist and senior vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He now resides in relative freedom in the hills of Idaho.

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