JaMarcus Russell finds out that life can come at you pretty fast.

Well, Iowa would have game planned for him better so I think they would have done better, but he still would have torched them a few times.

Game planned away from a base Cover 2? No. That's our bread-and-butter to this day. Russell could find gaps and openings with his electric arm. He did that to Iowa. We could have dimed all day and he'd still have completed passes.
Game planned away from a base Cover 2? No. That's our bread-and-butter to this day. Russell could find gaps and openings with his electric arm. He did that to Iowa. We could have dimed all day and he'd still have completed passes.
And Iowa would have been hitting him all game too.

He was the third quarterback they saw that day, and had been a limited qb all season for LSU. Don’t take 1 quarter against a defense that was getting tired on a warm day and think he’d have lit them up all day.

You’re really forgetting how good that Iowa defense was.
And Iowa would have been hitting him all game too.

He was the third quarterback they saw that day, and had been a limited qb all season for LSU. Don’t take 1 quarter against a defense that was getting tired on a warm day and think he’d have lit them up all day.

You’re really forgetting how good that Iowa defense was.

See my original post. Russell would have torched Iowa. Yes, I remember virtually the same defense against another great passer. ASU. 2004.
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Game planned away from a base Cover 2? No. That's our bread-and-butter to this day. Russell could find gaps and openings with his electric arm. He did that to Iowa. We could have dimed all day and he'd still have completed passes.
Norm hated Cover 2. It was one of his sayings that the players put on a shirt.

They played quarters coverage, aka Cover 4.

nevermind mixing my Parkers up. You are right. Carry on...😄
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Um, no. Laughable statement.
It was on the shirt the players made of Normisms..

Fastest ways to die..
Natural Gas
Cover 2

And Iowa would have been hitting him all game too.

He was the third quarterback they saw that day, and had been a limited qb all season for LSU. Don’t take 1 quarter against a defense that was getting tired on a warm day and think he’d have lit them up all day.

You’re really forgetting how good that Iowa defense was.
Iowa’s defense of the last 4-5 years is much better than maybe all but one if Nor m’s defenses. The linebackers and db’s now are just better athletes and honestly, better disciplined. And Norm had some really good defenses. More aggressive schemes now, too.
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Iowa’s defense of the last 4-5 years is much better than maybe all but one if Nor m’s defenses. The linebackers and db’s now are just better athletes and honestly, better disciplined. And Norm had some really good defenses. More aggressive schemes now, too.
In general, I'd agree - but 2004 was probably Norm's best. Roth, Babineaux, Robinson, Greenway, Considine, Hodge; all of whom played in the NFL. Not to mention Jovon Johnson who'd play 15 years in the CFL; probably a couple others I'm forgetting.
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In general, I'd agree - but 2004 was probably Norm's best. Roth, Babineaux, Robinson, Greenway, Considine, Hodge; all of whom played in the NFL. Not to mention Jovon Johnson who'd play 15 years in the CFL; probably a couple others I'm forgetting.
I think the recent Iowa defenses are schemed better than Norm’s for tge most part. Phil was well prepared by Norm but he has a few trucks if his own. And his players ( back 7, especially) are better skilled than what Norm had. My opinion…PP’s defenses are the best defenses I have seen at Iowa….and this year’s could really be good (barring the injury bug).
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I think the recent Iowa defenses are schemed better than Norm’s for tge most part. Phil was well prepared by Norm but he has a few trucks if his own. And his players ( back 7, especially) are better skilled than what Norm had. My opinion…PP’s defenses are the best defenses I have seen at Iowa….and this year’s could really be good (barring the injury bug).
Don't disagree the defenses are schemed better now; but they also have to be. College offenses have gotten considerably more complex since 2004.

For a front 4; I think only the '09 could match that '04 DL for sheer domination. As good as Phil's defenses have been, I'm not sure he's had a front 4 as good.
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In general, I'd agree - but 2004 was probably Norm's best. Roth, Babineaux, Robinson, Greenway, Considine, Hodge; all of whom played in the NFL. Not to mention Jovon Johnson who'd play 15 years in the CFL; probably a couple others I'm forgetting.
As good as the 2004 defense was, we got absolutely torched @ASU and @Minnesota. They ran down our throats. As for the bowl game, we had a 2-score lead when Russell came in and we were playing to preserve the lead.

In my opinion, the 2008 defense was Norm’s best. Probably not as individually talented as 2004 (even though there were plenty of NFL’ers on that defense too), but our pass defense was soooooo good and they were consistently awesome.
As good as the 2004 defense was, we got absolutely torched @ASU and @Minnesota. They ran down our throats. As for the bowl game, we had a 2-score lead when Russell came in and we were playing to preserve the lead.

In my opinion, the 2008 defense was Norm’s best. Probably not as individually talented as 2004 (even though there were plenty of NFL’ers on that defense too), but our pass defense was soooooo good and they were consistently awesome.
I have to put a couple caveats in that, but I mostly agree - that ASU game was simply one where anything that could go wrong, went wrong...To the point that Kirk put a toilet in the locker room on Monday and essentially told them to just forget it ever happened. That Minny offense...particularly the run game, was actually pretty good - if memory serves I think it had 3 1,000 yard rushers (Maroney, Barber and Thomas?) Going into that one I remember setting the goal at 200 yards. Never in a million years would I have guessed they'd put up 300 on that D, but that's a game I give more credit to how good that run game was as opposed to an indictment on Iowa's D.

It was also a helluva a game by both teams.
What amazes me is playing QB in the NFL is so much more difficult that a great college QB can be awful in NFL.

I assume he didn’t study football too much in college either.

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