James Franklin has to be held back when Fan Criticizes him Regarding Game Deciding 4th and 5 Call


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
This game was just like the Iowa/Wisconsin game. The winner would be the clear front runner to win the B1G East.

Franklin used THREE TIMEOUTS (he called 2, Urban Meyer called 1) with 1:22 left in the game to come up with a play on 4th and 5, trailing by just one point to #4 Ohio State at home.

What did he do? He took the ball out of Senior QB Trace McSorley's hands.

He had McSorley hand the ball off on a draw play, where the play got stuffed. The game was then essentially over.

Here is the video of the "classy" head coach being held back:

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Social media is destroying Franklin on this crucial play call that essentially decided the B1G East.

Look at where the hand off occurred vs where the yellow 1st down line is.

Also, PSU was just 15 yds from being in game winning FG range.

Imagine if Brian Ferentz had made this call?? Iowa fans would be going crazy, too.


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Thing is, the head coach has to ignore them.

Yeah, nothing good can come from engaging a fan. Like I said, I just can't stand experts in the hindsight. Had that run call worked, Franklin would be a hero. Great call! Totally unexpected! People like to think they're critical of play calls, but in fact, they're usually critical of whether a play works or not. Most fans aren't smart enough to know if a call is "good" or "bad."
I'm with Franklin. I hate armchair QBs. Unfortunately, there are millions of them.
Lol nah Franklin deserves all of it. And it's hilarious that PSU fans, given what happened to their school before, love this guy considering what he did at Vandy.

They'll probably beat us so they can feel better about themselves, but they dont deserve the success they get. It's the unfortunate reality of college football right now.
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This is why I love ferentz. No chance he would ever do this. At most he would start chewing his gum faster. Coaches have to keep there cool, and say what you will about an armchair qb.........if the glove fits.
Yeah, nothing good can come from engaging a fan. Like I said, I just can't stand experts in the hindsight. Had that run call worked, Franklin would be a hero. Great call! Totally unexpected! People like to think they're critical of play calls, but in fact, they're usually critical of whether a play works or not. Most fans aren't smart enough to know if a call is "good" or "bad."

Still would have been a bad play call even if they made it.
Down, distance, time of game. U choose to give the ball to a back who’s been stuffed all night one a play w one option that is totally dependent on OSU reacting a certain way.

Why would anyone think keeping the ball in the hands of your playmaker who’s been killing it with arm and feet all night would be a better option? Why would a play with multiple options be better?

Armchairs are really wrong on this. ‍♀️ ‍♂️
I'm with Franklin. I hate armchair QBs. Unfortunately, there are millions of them.

I, on the other hand, hate million-dollar coaches who can't take the heat when they are justifiably challenged for moronic play calls. Kick the field goal and win the game!

On the other hand, where was that draw play in Iowa City last year? Run that there and then, and Iowa wins too.

Stupid, stupid, stupid call against OSU.
Yeah, nothing good can come from engaging a fan. Like I said, I just can't stand experts in the hindsight. Had that run call worked, Franklin would be a hero. Great call! Totally unexpected! People like to think they're critical of play calls, but in fact, they're usually critical of whether a play works or not. Most fans aren't smart enough to know if a call is "good" or "bad."

I am not a smart football fan and will always defer to coaches. But even I know that was a terrible call. Game on the line. Need five yards and you take the ball out of your playmakers hands and give it to someone that has been contained all game 7 yards behind the los? It was a terrible call and he should be called out for it. Then, he goes after the fan??
Man, so many things from that video.

1. Why engage with the fan?
2. His engagement wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
3. I hate fans like that. Who sticks around after the game like that to yell stuff at a coach? Seems like a guy who would probably kiss Franklin or McSorley if he had the chance.
It feels to me that PSU fan and Franklin are a perfect marriage. Franklin's volatile nature will at some point be his demise. I think he will ultimately end up in the NFL, however, his rah rah style will not necessarily play well there.
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1. A head coach should never react to a fan in that manner.

2. Most fans are idiots.

3. Occasionally fans are right. As far as that play is concerned, I think someone outsmarted himself. After multiple timeouts that's the play you go with? I understand if it's 3rd and 5 and trying to catch Ohio State off guard when you have 4th Down in your pocket. But to call that play on 4th Down and take the football out of the hands of your biggest play maker is beyond mind boggling.