Jan 6th

Sharky what is your stance on Jan 6th I would sure like to hear your insight . . . and decide whether to put you on ignore LOL
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Sharky what is your stance on Jan 6th I would sure like to hear your insight . . . and decide whether to put you on ignore LOL
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.
"We need to move on, sick of hearing about it" but creates a thread titled "Jan 6th".
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.

Ready to move on and let some of our politicians who were involved not be held accountable? Didn't they help organize, motivate and drive the stupid people to do stupid shit? That's where you comparison starts to break down here to the DNC protests.

The people who participated in this should be prosecuted if they crossed the line, damaged property, or broke the law but their motivation to do so wasn't guided by a bunch of politicians. Trump and all his MEGA D-bag buddies need to be held accountable for what happened on Jan 6th. It was an insurrection and our country and republic is still teetering because of their selfish stupidity.
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.
Can't wait for the next thing you're sick of hearing about so you can start another thread whining like a little bitch about it.
Can't wait for the next thing you're sick of hearing about so you can start another thread whining like a little bitch about it.
Don't think you'd say that to my face. I have never been called that to my face (except in jest). If you saw me, that thought would never cross your mind. Go back to your keyboard and find someone else to keyboard warrior with.
And you clicked on it. The question is "why did you?"
I'm not sick about hearing about it. I think it's the singular most offensive thing that has happened in my lifetime. Every democratic campaign ad should show clips of Jan 6th before the election. People like you who minimize it or try to sweep it under the rug are doing great damage to the country.
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I'm not sick about hearing about it. I think it's the singular most offensive thing that has happened in my lifetime. People like you who minimize it or try to sweep it under the rug are doing great damage to the country.
But if I put up that it was left wing activists, you'd moved right on by because it don't fit your narrative.
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.
You’re sick of hearing about it but being it up with this post?
I see @PapaTed is using his other username. The only two posters to cite “MSN” when in reality they are both using Microsoft Start a news aggregation service.

Both usernames are infatuated with downplaying January 6.
Who's PapaTed?
And you didn't read my post.
Who's PapaTed?
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.
Stupid people doing stupid shit . . . No one is seething they think you are a moron. No one is casting stones. As I stated arrest them and charge them with the laws they violated. The implications of January 6th were much more dire than the article above. If the mob had gotten a hold of pence after they had yelled hang Mike Pence for hours, do you think they would have just let him go or had a beer with him or as you stated just do stupid shit???? Yes some of these individuals are just like your neighbors friends and co workers. The video and Jan 6th shows what happens when a mob mentality starts to take over and common decorum is thrown out the window. That Trump encouraged it is what is at the heart of the issue. As stated anyone who violated laws should have their day in court and potential punishments. Trump currently is having his trials for a variety of issues and whatever the judge rules or potentially on appeal is what the outcome will be. My guess is you won't stand by his punishments thinking he is being railroaded, but who knows maybe I will be surprised.
Stupid people doing stupid shit . . . No one is seething they think you are a moron. No one is casting stones. As I stated arrest them and charge them with the laws they violated. The implications of January 6th were much more dire than the article above. If the mob had gotten a hold of pence after they had yelled hang Mike Pence for hours, do you think they would have just let him go or had a beer with him or as you stated just do stupid shit???? Yes some of these individuals are just like your neighbors friends and co workers. The video and Jan 6th shows what happens when a mob mentality starts to take over and common decorum is thrown out the window. That Trump encouraged it is what is at the heart of the issue. As stated anyone who violated laws should have their day in court and potential punishments. Trump currently is having his trials for a variety of issues and whatever the judge rules or potentially on appeal is what the outcome will be. My guess is you won't stand by his punishments thinking he is being railroaded, but who knows maybe I will be surprised.
If you're trying to get a rise out of me, you'd be wrong. I could care less. People did stupid shit. They got caught. The election results were still certified. Trump will have his day in court. It's 2023 and time to move on.
If you're trying to get a rise out of me, you'd be wrong. I could care less. People did stupid shit. They got caught. The election results were still certified. Trump will have his day in court. It's 2023 and time to move on.
If you could still are less maybe you should try. If it’s time to move on why create this post?
If you could still are less maybe you should try. If it’s time to move on why create this post?
That's the point. I did this to point out that other than the left, America is moved on. Gives me a chance to tell people, shut up, move on. You've been notified.
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That's the point. I did this to point out that other than the left, America is moved on. Gives me a chance to tell people, shut up, move on. You've been notified.
The boy reason any of us are talking about it today is because of you.
It was a bunch of stupid people doing stupid shit. But the reaction to it happening is even more stupid. The people responsible are being punished. We need to move on, sick of hearing about it. I am sick of people in glass houses throwing stones. That's why I posted this. Take a look at the comments on the thread. People are seething about it or trying to discount it or even discount me because I only created my account a couple months ago. I've been following this board for over 10 years. Lately I've gotten a gut full of the BS posting on here, so I started chiming in.
So you're comparing a protest to an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States of America?