I'm with Moral. Both side are hideous. And I mean
NAFTA was a joke IMO and certainly not to the benefit of the the good old US of A. I'm not yet certain how TPP will impact me and my company. Frankly I think the impact is directed at mega companies like Apple, Ford, GM, etc. Intellectual property was a primary consideration if I'm not mistaken. Many feel it will stifle entrepreneurship and why would this shock any American who pays attention to the inability of our government to negotiate "anything"?
What I can say is that TPP has not yet impacted me or my company "to my knowledge". Without being too revealing, I have been involved with direct importation from the Pacific Rim for decades. I've been involved with trade duties on numerous products from China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, India and probably a few others I've forgotten about. The rationale of our country's duty philosophy is nonexistent. It is nothing more than a piece meal cluster f'ck.
I recently sold a company because of the exposure I had to "variable" duties. One product was subject to duties of over 125% of the product value. We (nor anyone else) could note determine if these duties would apply and the US Government could asses these duties 5 years (maybe even 7 years) after the containers arrived. Think about that. How'd you like to be a small business with a potential "tax" bill of over $125,000 for every container you import? (Impossible to make up something this stupid.)
So, let me simplify this:
- In our generation, name "one thing" our country has negotiated well.
- Look at that idiot John Kerry and ask yourself if you'd trust "anything" he negotiated.
- Name one thing the government runs well?
- How many people of been terminated for the debacle at the VA Hospitals or the Obamacare computer roll out?
- If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. (You trust the guy who said this? Really?) And you'll trust Mrs. C word? I mean Mrs. Clinton? If you believe this bitch are you just plain brain dead or do you just refuse to believe what you know?
Why does Trump appeal to many? Because people are sick of the idiots who govern us. People are sick of the dishonesty. People are sick of absolutely no accountability. People are sick of a congress that exempts itself from the laws they impose on the rest of us. People are sick of the benefits congress grants themselves.
Why does capitalism work? Because business people are accountable to their banks and investors. They are accountable to their families. No money, no honey. And because business people have pay attention to their businesses in order to succeed, the system works.
TPP? Probably just one more HUGE fail in a long line of many. Aside from the H Bomb dropped on Japan, when have we ever out negotiated Japan or China?
Big money owns these idiots. Until we as a people create consequences for this assholes like Mrs. C word, we'll get what we deserve.
I may vote for Trump just to move the meter for a change.