JoBo outing some pos people today

Ouch! This is karma biting ya in the ass big-time.

Couldn't Fran, Jordan's Dad or any of Jordan's older brothers, or any adult leader in his life advise him that he had an extremely important basketball game coming up 3 days after his Trump-level rage-Tweeting, and that maybe it was more appropriate to be mentally focusing on the legacy of himself and Iowa basketball, and to be a role model to his teammates in how to prepare for a big game, and that this wasn't the time to be calling out and settling old scores with social media losers?
Ouch! This is karma biting ya in the ass big-time.

Couldn't Fran, Jordan's Dad or any of Jordan's older brothers, or any adult leader in his life advise him that he had an extremely important basketball game coming up 3 days after his Trump-level rage-Tweeting, and that maybe it was more appropriate to be mentally focusing on the legacy of himself and Iowa basketball, and to be a role model to his teammates in how to prepare for a big game, and that this wasn't the time to be calling out and settling old scores with social media losers?
You would think so. He is an adult so he can do what he wants but it was not a good look nor do I think the time then to be posting drama with big games coming up. Do it in April. I think Fran is way to lax on extracurricular stuff like this, its almost like he wants them be controversial. Kirk F was smart about this for a long time until the pitchfork mob made him change his ways. Jordan has always been about himself and always about the attention. Even when he is trying to be humble, he still has a smugness about him that is very unlikeable. It makes me wonder if his family is the same way?? Maybe they all feed off the smug arrogance but today it's making Jordan look like a complete hack.
You would think so. He is an adult so he can do what he wants but it was not a good look nor do I think the time then to be posting drama with big games coming up. Do it in April. I think Fran is way to lax on extracurricular stuff like this, its almost like he wants them be controversial. Kirk F was smart about this for a long time until the pitchfork mob made him change his ways. Jordan has always been about himself and always about the attention. Even when he is trying to be humble, he still has a smugness about him that is very unlikeable. It makes me wonder if his family is the same way?? Maybe they all feed off the smug arrogance but today it's making Jordan look like a complete hack.
I agree with everything here, except the "adult" part. Maybe he is "legal age" and older than every other college BB player, but from my perspective, he's still a kid, and his behavior on social media supports that notion. He was in dire need of a mentor to remind him what his role was supposed to be these past 3 days...
I agree with everything here, except the "adult" part. Maybe he is "legal age" and older than every other college BB player, but from my perspective, he's still a kid, and his behavior on social media supports that notion. He was in dire need of a mentor to remind him what his role was supposed to be these past 3 days...
I respectfully disagree... Bohannon is going to be 25 in June. That to myself, is past being a kid. Some 25 year olds are NCOs in the military. I know different perspectives... but he has had ample time to mature and humble himself.

I agree about the mentor part. He had free reign to lambast/complain about everything. It looked foolish and got old real quick.
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