Joe's at it again today...

Press is going crazy on KJR today.

She's certainly earning her money. Still blaming a cold and jetlag for his debate performance. Followup on that by a reporter asked if he couldn't recover from jetlag after 12 days, was he fit enough to be President.

KJP is really trying to distance herself from the campaign.

Now reporters are asking how Joe can be expected to deal with a US emergency while campaigning, and having to deal with jetlag.

KJP is digging a hole by parroting Joe saying he's not as fit as he used to be. I think that's kind of admitting he's no longer up to it.
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Press is going crazy on KJR today.

She's certainly earning her money. Still blaming a cold and jetlag for his debate performance. Followup on that by a reporter asked if he couldn't recover from jetlag after 12 days, was he fit enough to be President.

KJP is really trying to distance herself from the campaign.

Now reporters are asking how Joe can be expected to deal with a US emergency while campaigning, and having to deal with jetlag.

KJP is digging a hole by parroting Joe saying he's not as fit as he used to be. I think that's kind of admitting he's no longer up to it.
She is horrible for sure, but they have REALLY put her in a bad spot now.
How on earth did we get into this debacle with these two candidates. Here we have Trump, a guy that routinely spews lie after lie, and less we forget, is a convicted felon and one who incredibly tried to overturn the results of an election! And then there is Biden - so cognitively impaired he struggles to complete a simple declarative sentence and worse yet has great difficulty just maintaining his stream of thought. No way to sugarcoat it. This is definitely a very sad time for this country.