Joey Hauser update?

Calm down, sport. Unless you know MagicCoach personally it just comes off as a bit douchey. He provided his insight (which didn't completely agree with your repeated statements) and you respond with "well answer this!" and "wanna bet!" types of responses.
Let him answer his own posts. This is a message board, where it's hard to tell tone and intent of a post without adding emoticons. I don't often add emoticons
Back to the topic at hand. It would be nice to land Hauser, you can never have enough 4* recruits regardless of roster makeup. That being said, can't Pat McCaffery develop into a very similar type of player or are their skill sets that different?
It is but they were direct questions towards a specific poster.

I still don't understand the intent of wagering. The AAU coach clearly didn't offer any opinion as to where he's going as he stated he had no idea. He simply just offered some feedback about the situation and Hauser's current thoughts.

This seems to be par for the course for you though. In another thread:
"I mean it doesn't change my opinion. Morris had zero help in the paint. They got a total of 10 pts from one forward spot and 10 pts from Burton. We won't see any BIG teams like that. I'll have a thread at the end of conference play for you guys. Then we'll see who's right and who's wrong."

There seems to be a pattern of you seeking to try to validate your comments by proving other people wrong. Can't we just appreciate the information we get from people close to the player, in this case a coach, without trying to make it be something it isn't?
I still don't understand the intent of wagering. The AAU coach clearly didn't offer any opinion as to where he's going as he stated he had no idea. He simply just offered some feedback about the situation and Hauser's current thoughts.

This seems to be par for the course for you though. In another thread:
"I mean it doesn't change my opinion. Morris had zero help in the paint. They got a total of 10 pts from one forward spot and 10 pts from Burton. We won't see any BIG teams like that. I'll have a thread at the end of conference play for you guys. Then we'll see who's right and who's wrong."

There seems to be a pattern of you seeking to try to validate your comments by proving other people wrong. Can't we just appreciate the information we get from people close to the player, in this case a coach, without trying to make it be something it isn't?
A friendly wager on the AAU circuit is a drink, a meal, etc. It's friendly.

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