Jose Bautista...Over/Under #

Sidenote question- Who was the guy for the Giants that used to hit homeruns and then hold his arm down when he was trotting around? Think it was called"one flap down" or something like that. Played in the 80's and maybe the 90's. I know it wasn't Chili Davis, but I think CD played on some of those Giant teams.

How many times will MLB pitcher's allow a "pitch to get away from them" next year when they face Jose?
How many times will Jose hit the dirt next year when the Blue Jays face the Rangers?....provided the Jays don't trade him first.

If you wanna see a definition of "bush league", check out Jose's "viewing" of the home run he hit in game #5 today.
The Rangers specifically...and MLB pitchers in general, have this one etched into their brains. are not bigger than the game. Pay backs are hell.

i get more annoyed about a football player stomping around and flexing after a first down run or a routine tackle...congrats, you did your job.

if you don't want the batter to do that stuff, pitch better.. Dyson should be more pissed that the defense allowed that many runners get on base. they shot themselves in the foot.
This little dude will keep the bat flip alive for years to come (he also has a pretty sweet swing for a 4-year-old)!

I wonder if the people that bitch about players "respecting the game" are the same ones that think our society has become to PC?