Josh Hawley says the quiet part out loud

Settled law? Like Dred Scott and Plessy vs. Ferguson? Ok.

I guess you didn’t realize the Court has reversed prior rulings NUMEROUS times.

Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg said Roe would be overturned.
You know what hasn't been reversed. You on your claims of bread lines during the pandemic. When will you admit you were wrong.

I find this argument incomprehensible. Maybe you can explain it in a way that makes sense?

My main objection to that argument is that it leaves us with an America where people have different rights depending on where they live. So feel free to address that particular point if you are deciding where to start.
Cause it's not in the Constitution. The word abortion doesn't appear!!!

It also says black people are 3/5 of a person and you gotta be a landowner to
Cause it's not in the Constitution. The word abortion doesn't appear!!!

It also says black people are 3/5 of a person and you gotta be a landowner to
God isn't mentioned either. But apparently that doesn't prevent decisions being based on religion.

But, hey, they aren't Congress. Only Congress is barred from basing its actions on religion.
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Just like Tom Cotton, Hawley is another mind wasted. Elite school educated Hawley has determined his quickest path to power is to relentlessly appeal to the lowest common denominator types in our country. He has no moral center.
But, but, morality is based on religion!!!!!
The Court knew more about the Constitution in 1973 also when the Court ruled by a 7-2 majority that abortion is constitionally protected right. A consevative justice appointed by Richard Nixon wrote the majority opinion.

Of the justices that decided Roe, 6 were appointed by Republican presidents - exactly the same conservative majority as this Dobbs Court.

A majority of the conservatives on the Roe court did not consider abortion a states right issue.

So what has changed since 1973 when a conservatice dominated US Supreme Court ruled that states cannot ban abortion procedures?

Republicans have changed. Conservatism has veered sharply right. Republicans have nominated and faught hard to confirm extremist Judges.
This. The Republican party is run by the radical Christian right. The democrats are far more towards the middle. Far right Christians want to choose our freedoms for us. It’s really damn obvious.
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Would make babies with.
It isn’t going to be so much older, settled people moving as it will be young people starting out. And I agree that there will be a shift in moderates toward pro choice candidates. I don’t think it will have the effect conservatives are hoping for.
It isn’t going to be so much older, settled people moving as it will be young people starting out. And I agree that there will be a shift in moderates toward pro choice candidates. I don’t think it will have the effect conservatives are hoping for.
You know who have been unusually quiet about this? Current Republicans running for office. Normally after a big "win" there aren't enough cameras for all of the GOP people looking to talk to one. This time? Not so much. I think there is a lot of concern about what this is going to do for midterms in November. Coupled with the 1/6 stuff this election may not be the slam dunk they thought it was going to be. Although, I would say they still have the advantage with people angry about inflation and gas prices.
You know who have been unusually quiet about this? Current Republicans running for office. Normally after a big "win" there aren't enough cameras for all of the GOP people looking to talk to one. This time? Not so much. I think there is a lot of concern about what this is going to do for midterms in November. Coupled with the 1/6 stuff this election may not be the slam dunk they thought it was going to be. Although, I would say they still have the advantage with people angry about inflation and gas prices.
And they will do everything they can to make sure neither of those things improve. Because it’s all about getting power.
I don’t agree with him politically, but how is he wrong. A number of posters here have announced their desire to move after yesterday’s ruling. That is actually how this thing is supposed to work. Leave it to the states. If you don’t like what the laws are in your state, then you are free to move.
Very few people are going to move over abortion. There will be a loud gnashing of teeth but people sure as hell didn't leave when trump/Biden were elected. Funny how easy it is to say and difficult it is to do
This. The Republican party is run by the radical Christian right. The democrats are far more towards the middle. Far right Christians want to choose our freedoms for us. It’s really damn obvious

I appreciate how you differentiate far right Christians from most Christians. Respectfully, many of us conservatives feel the far left liberals are running the Democratic party. Emotion is the enemy of objectivity.

While I personally find the recent Gun Safety bill that was signed into law to be a first step onto a very slippery slope, I am thrilled with the senate working the way it was always intended. More than 60 senators supported the bill. This should be viewed by everyone as a positive stop forward for our country.

My point is that your view is not really obvious. Your view comes across as more emotional that actual.

I hope you do not take this as an attack on you personally. It is not. I am trying to respectfully disagree with your take on either political parties.

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