Just for fun (and OT): Cornell vs. Cornell


HB All-American
Aug 1, 2007
We’d like to set the record straight: we got here first. Cornell College was founded in Mount Vernon, Iowa, in 1853, 12 years before the similarly named university got its start.

A few notes on Cornell v. Cornell
  • The two institutions were not named for the same person, but our namesake (William W. Cornell) and theirs (Ezra Cornell) were distant cousins.
  • The college has about 1,100 undergraduate students. The university: more than 13,000.
  • College faculty teach one course at a time and up to six courses a year. University faculty teach about two classes a semester, and around four courses a year.
  • The college holds two national wrestling team titles; the university holds zero.
  • Cornell College is in the heart of Mount Vernon, Iowa, which got its name from George Washington’s home in Virginia. Cornell University is located in Ithaca, New York, which was named for a Greek island.
  • Winters in Ithaca are snowy and cold. Winters in Mount Vernon, on the other hand, are … cold and snowy.
  • Mount Vernon has an average of 193 sunny days every year, while Ithaca has an average of 155 sunny days.
  • The mascot for our athletic teams is a ram; theirs is a bear.
  • Both campuses involve steep inclines. Hence the nicknames “The Hilltop” (us) and “The Hill” (them).
  • Both campuses feature buildings funded by the Olin Foundation: Olin Hall (both campuses) and Olin Library (the university).
  • Mount Vernon is approximately 211 miles from Chicago. Ithaca is approximately 225 miles from New York City. Coincidence? Yes
Of course, item #4 is of particular interest, right, Hicksy?
And of course Cornell college has the longest running rivalry west of the Mississippi with The Coe College!
You are correct GG. Great facts! And as you know, me being a former Cornell College wrestler Coe Sux! I tease my next door neighbor, who is a Cornell Univ. Alumni, that my Alma Mater is more prestigious than his. Paul Scott put a pretty impressive lineup together the core of whom was from Waterloo West HS.
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In addition to the athletic rivalry between the two schools there was a rivalry to keep Coach Barron Bremner as the school's wrestling coach and athletic director. Coach Bremner wrestled and played football for the Hawks. Coach recruited me to wrestle for the Co-Hawks, but much to my chagrin he left after my freshman year to coach and AD Cornell college. I was not happy. Fast forward 38 years and I go to see an orthopedic surgeon named Bremner. As soon as he walked in I saw coach. Dr. Bremner was coach Bremner's son, so I told him my story of how his dad betrayed me and left Coe for Cornell after recruiting me. He said that's nothing, I went to Cornell and he left after my Freshman year to go back to Coe. I conceded him victory on the issue.
Coach was beloved by both Coe and Cornell.
In addition to the athletic rivalry between the two schools there was a rivalry to keep Coach Barron Bremner as the school's wrestling coach and athletic director. Coach Bremner wrestled and played football for the Hawks. Coach recruited me to wrestle for the Co-Hawks, but much to my chagrin he left after my freshman year to coach and AD Cornell college. I was not happy. Fast forward 38 years and I go to see an orthopedic surgeon named Bremner. As soon as he walked in I saw coach. Dr. Bremner was coach Bremner's son, so I told him my story of how his dad betrayed me and left Coe for Cornell after recruiting me. He said that's nothing, I went to Cornell and he left after my Freshman year to go back to Coe. I conceded him victory on the issue.
Coach was beloved by both Coe and Cornell.
Some of you know this, but what the heck. . . . Barron and my dad were fraternity brothers in the DU house at Iowa many moons ago. . . along with Gary Kurdelmeier, Tom Huff, and Tom Brokaw, among other outstanding guys. Dad tells hilarious stories of the wrestlers destroying their living room whenever a wrestling match broke out -- which was quite often. Dad has nothing but tremendous respect for all of those guys, though -- an amazing group of men, all in one darn fraternity house. Pretty cool.

I had the pleasure of meeting Barron at a DU reunion party. Extremely gracious guy. It became very clear to me why he was so beloved by the Coe and Cornell communities -- and my dad and the rest of his frat brothers.
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great coach, better man

Barron Bremner recruited me to Cornell. My best friend and I were both ready to commit to Wartburg (my best friend ended up at Wartburg) until my HS wrestling coach (Dick Ingvall) asked me to visit with Barron. He sold me on Cornell.

My next door neighbor in the Dorms, eventual good friend and classmate was Bill Bremner who was Barrons oldest son. Ended up spending alot of time at the Bremner farm outside of Mt Vernon. Barron was a great man. I would have loved to have been coached by Barron.
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