Kamala Harris POTUS eligibility

Yes and you and your ilk called for Biden to end his campaign and now you are all crying that Harris can't be the nominee and how this makes the Dem ticket inelgible and blah blah blah.

Always the victim. Always the victim.
Literally nobody is saying she can't be the nominee lol we are making fun of y'all bc Hillary started the birther narrative in the first place.
There you have it, it was Hillary fans, not the Hillary campaign, that started the birther stuff.

Thanks for clearing that up!
Pretty major lie by the MAGAts. And the genius I was referring to claimed it was Hillary herself. Thanks clearing that up!
Gee, I wonder why Trump’s azz kissers hate all fact checkers? Hmmmmmm…..
Because they lie consistently? Snopes finally just updated and changed their "Fact check" on the fine people hoax after lying about it for 4 years just recently. Plenty of other examples of them lying and 100% in favor of leftist narratives.

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