Kamala Harris Spreading Misinformation

Should Kamala Harris’s X accounts be suspended?

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Does X have a “responsibility” to shut down the Kamala Harris personal and campaign accounts as per Kamala Harris’s arguments for moderation of misinformation?

Secondly, will the Biden-Harris Administration sanction or otherwise punish X Corp for NOT suspending her accounts?
Is it any wonder why [they] want absolute control of X >

I find this extreme level of hypocrisy funny. Good clean fun.

As I understand it, AP screwed up their article and misquoted Vance. That was shitty reporting and I see has been fixed. Bad job AP.

Harris’s rapid response team (I’m guessing) either relied on the AP reporting or ran with the AP piece, without further investigation. They should take down that inaccurate tweet about Vance’s comments.

What’s the problem?

(And spare us any high horse criticism from you. You lie and post misleading and inaccurate pieces on here all the time.)



Does X have a “responsibility” to shut down the Kamala Harris personal and campaign accounts as per Kamala Harris’s arguments for moderation of misinformation?

Secondly, will the Biden-Harris Administration sanction or otherwise punish X Corp for NOT suspending her accounts?
I think she should get community noted and suspended from posting for 24 hours. She seems to think deplatforming is acceptable so she should be given a taste of what she preaches. No permanent ban needed. Just a one day warning.
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Keep carrying the water for the Trump, he really appreciates your continued blind support and will certainly reward you for all your hard labor.
Keep carrying the water for the Trump, he really appreciates your continued blind support and will certainly reward you for all your hard labor.
Hey, atleast we know who it is we are voting for. A vote for the dems is a vote for a shadow government and you can't even deny it at this point.

Biden 40% pto and Kamala wouldn't know how to come out of the basement if someone told her they were practicing fun accents up stairs.
Hey, atleast we know who it is we are voting for. A vote for the dems is a vote for a shadow government and you can't even deny it at this point.

Biden 40% pto and Kamala wouldn't know how to come out of the basement if someone told her they were practicing fun accents up stairs.
Yep a 34 time convicted felon, rapist and kid fvcker. Your wife and daughter are SO proud of you.
That's what makes you such a gullible rube. You will believe anything proven liars like this will say because you want to believe them.

You are such an easy mark.

I don't think you realize who it is we all recognize is being trolled here. The day a 3 letter agency put out a 10 million dollar reward for evidence that the "government" ( aka hey guys, 3 letter agency here desperately trying to connect trump to russia) was being influenced putin himself connects himself to the dems.

The house of cards is falling.



Does X have a “responsibility” to shut down the Kamala Harris personal and campaign accounts as per Kamala Harris’s arguments for moderation of misinformation?

Secondly, will the Biden-Harris Administration sanction or otherwise punish X Corp for NOT suspending her accounts?
I listened to the video
Vance said" these are a fact of life"...
referring to school shootings.
Where is the misinformation?
The only misinformation is vance's assertion that Harris wants to seize law abiding citizens guns....she has not said that.
So yes. Vance's X account should be shut down. Thanks for alerting us to his lies.

I don't think you realize who it is we all recognize is being trolled here. The day a 3 letter agency put out a 10 million dollar reward for evidence that the "government" ( aka hey guys, 3 letter agency here desperately trying to connect trump to russia) was being influenced putin himself connects himself to the dems.

The house of cards is falling.
You're a dumb as you are gullible.

Such an easy mark.
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Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) or celebrity obsession disorder (COD) is an obsessive addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal and professional life.[1] Psychologists have indicated that though many people obsess over film, television, sport and pop stars, the only common factor between them is that they are all figures in the public eye. Written observations of celebrity worship date back to the 19th century.

As I understand it, AP screwed up their article and misquoted Vance. That was shitty reporting and I see has been fixed. Bad job AP.

Harris’s rapid response team (I’m guessing) either relied on the AP reporting or ran with the AP piece, without further investigation. They should take down that inaccurate tweet about Vance’s comments.

What’s the problem?

(And spare us any high horse criticism from you. You lie and post misleading and inaccurate pieces on here all the time.)
But THAT is different!

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