Kennedy to endorse Trump?????

How do you say you're running for President if you remove yourself from the ballot in swing states? I'm not really concerned about the impact this will have on the Dems, but why only do something half assed? Presidential candidates should at least try to compete in all the states or none at all. Can anyone tell me what is the point of Kennedy remaining on the ballots in some states?
Tell me... When does Trump actually start articulating a plan for anything? He's already had 4 years and didn't come up with anything other than committing felonies and penning hundreds of midnight shitter tweets.
Hard to believe you can't see it both ways. Take another drink lol.
Maybe you can email jfk and tell him, not sure if he knows.

Wtf am I going to do about what your problems are?

48% of America for both sides doesn't care what the past records of either candidates is.
Umm, I think they are Trump's problems.
You left wingers keep watching this and learn. Watch it over and over again until it soaks in that little brain of yours. But hell no you people are so stinking brainwashed. It’s pathetic. You don’t care about this country. If you don’t care about this country get out of the country don’t need you here.
RFK is a falconer and regularly picks up fresh road kill to take home, clean, freeze and eventually feed his birds. He planned to do that with the bear cub but his day ran super long so he ditched it in Central Park.
And dumping a dead wild animal in a public park seems perfectly logical to you?
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“So I'm looking for where I fit in best. I have a lot of "ideas" about vaccines and who killed my father and my uncle. Somewhere where I can spread my wings with these "theories" and let the peacock fly. Somewhere where descriptions like eccentric and nutjob are considered badges of honor. Any idea where that might be? Hmmm??"
After he dumped his second wife (he’s on his third), she hung herself. It was later reported that she had read his personal journal where he chronicled affairs with 37 different women in the early years of their marriage. He was also accused by a baby-sitter of sexual assault.

This guy reminds me of someone.
After he dumped his second wife (he’s on his third), she hung herself. It was later reported that she had read his personal journal where he chronicled affairs with 37 different women in the early years of their marriage. He was also accused by a baby-sitter of sexual assault.

This guy reminds me of someone.
Birds of a feather. Hard to believe wife number 3 is around much longer. I doubt she could stomach going to the dark side along with her desperate husband.
Approximately 60% of Americans have a 401K retirement account and many own IRAs, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Not all these individuals earn > $400k per year, so when Kamala crazily starts taxing unrealized gains, it will impact/hurt more than just the “wealthiest” Americans. Also, the stock market will be adversely impacted by such a crazy tax structure.
It’s clear you don’t understand the proposal and haven’t taken the time to do so, but here you are waxing away with falsehoods again as though you actually know something.

You don’t.
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After he dumped his second wife (he’s on his third), she hung herself. It was later reported that she had read his personal journal where he chronicled affairs with 37 different women in the early years of their marriage. He was also accused by a baby-sitter of sexual assault.

This guy reminds me of someone.
Yep...if the Harris camp thinks he's any kind of threat, they probably won't have much trouble digging up dirt on him.
But given what little we've heard so far, he's going to sink himself.
You realize you are talking to a guy who said Russia was just doing war games and concerns and warnings it was for invasion of Ukraine was just the Biden administration trying to distract from inflation.
Don’t forget the terrorist attack on the rainbow bridge due the US’s involvement in Gaza.
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You left wingers keep watching this and learn. Watch it over and over again until it soaks in that little brain of yours. But hell no you people are so stinking brainwashed. It’s pathetic. You don’t care about this country. If you don’t care about this country get out of the country don’t need you here.
Okay uncle Jed, here’s a seat so go ahead and sit down before you hurt yourself or someone else. Simmer down before someone calls for a psychiatric evaluation.
Well in his speech today he talked about the lawfare against Trump, the censorship of speech and social media, propaganda media, democracy overridden selecting kamala. Just Google it, it's all in there what issues he has and they line up with trump beliefs.

How do you square his comments about Trump in this article to supporting him today? Dude is just like Trump, crazy & looking to benefit himself.