Kim sucks blah blah blah.

Yeah, I saw something not long ago that showed Iowa schools ranked #13 or #14 by US News. If I recall all of the top ten were "blue" states except Utah. Iowa used to always be in the top 3 until the past decade or two.
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  • Percentage of fourth graders not proficient in reading: 67%
Oof. This is the benchmark where kids are expected to start reading to learn instead of learning to read.
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Yeah, I saw something not long ago that showed Iowa schools ranked #13 or #14 by US News. If I recall all of the top ten were "blue" states except Utah. Iowa used to always be in the top 3 until the past decade or two.
Lots of 2nd place just behind CA for decades and then full GOP control came and it's tanking. All intentionally.
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  • Percentage of fourth graders not proficient in reading: 67%
Oof. This is the benchmark where kids are expected to start reading to learn instead of learning to read.
It’s a nationwide epidemic.

Gen ed teachers have told me this year they have had gifted students score below grade level in reading.

Literacy is becoming a problem everywhere.
Lots of 2nd place just behind CA for decades and then full GOP control came and its tanking. All intentionally.

Nicksplat Therapy GIF by Hey Arnold
I don't know how anyone could not have predicted this considering she is stealing money intended for public school education and using it to line the pockets of her Christian school running friends.

Easiest prediction ever.
I wonder what the dip will be in 3-5 years.
Stating facts, and people who care about public education absolutely should be. Vote the cult out.
Two things can be true at the same time: people can dislike Trump and MAGA and vote accordingly; people can do so without insane, unhinged rants, inventing and repeating ridiculous slogans like “MAGA is Taliban; Taliban is MAGA,” and turning the most mundane topics into political polemics.

Chill, dude.
Tending in the wrong direction for sure. I don't think it's too late to reverse course, but it's probably going to keep getting harder with the way the government seems to want to work.
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