Koen Entringer reciting Nile Kinnick's Heisman acceptance speech

Check this out & watch:

As one who memorized the entire speech when I was at Iowa, and as one who published a poster with a brief Kinnick bio and the entire, accurate Heisman speech, I guess I may have a special appreciation of this moment. Thanks for posting, Fran.

BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, either.
As one who memorized the entire speech when I was at Iowa, and as one who published a poster with a brief Kinnick bio and the entire, accurate Heisman speech, I guess I may have a special appreciation of this moment. Thanks for posting, Fran.

BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, either.

Leave the politics off this board jackass. And btw you may need to look a little closer at the definition of tyranny and how the leftists operate. Rather ironic given your ignorant comment.
As one who memorized the entire speech when I was at Iowa, and as one who published a poster with a brief Kinnick bio and the entire, accurate Heisman speech, I guess I may have a special appreciation of this moment. Thanks for posting, Fran.

BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, either.
Hmmm. Voting for decency and Democracy. Ahhh. Are you sure he would be voting for the party that has allowed millions into the country illegally and then provides them with better housing, food, and medical benefits than our veterans receive and far better than American citizens receive. Back in his day, an immigrant had to have a sponsor who was responsible for them and attested that they would not become a burden to society. Are you sure he would vote for the party that implemented a vaccine mandate and lied about its effectiveness and supported the censorship of those who disagreed? Back in his day, the first amendment and freedom of movement were sacrosanct. As for decency, morals and norms are a thing of the past and what passes as decency today would be seen as decadence in his time as it would have been as little as a decade ago. But hey, feel free to think what you want, believe what you believe, and live in a fantasy land where the most Woke is you Mesiah and the government is your church.
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Leave the politics off this board jackass. And btw you may need to look a little closer at the definition of tyranny and how the leftists operate. Rather ironic given your ignorant comment.

Hmmm. Voting for decency and Democracy. Ahhh. Are you sure he would be voting for the party that has allowed millions into the country illegally and then provides them with better housing, food, and medical benefits than our veterans receive and far better than American citizens receive. Back in his day, an immigrant had to have a sponsor who was responsible for them and attested that they would not become a burden to society. Are you sure he would vote for the party that implemented a vaccine mandate and lied about its effectiveness and supported the censorship of those who disagreed? Back in his day, the first amendment and freedom of movement were sacrosanct. As for decency, morals and norms are a thing of the past and was passes as decency today would be seen as decency in his time as it would have been as little as a decade ago. But hey, feel free to think what you want, believe what you believe, and live in a fantasy land where the most Woke is you Mesiah and the government is your church.
Do you two idiots feel better now getting that off your chests?

Good. Now f.uck off
Hmmm. Voting for decency and Democracy. Ahhh. Are you sure he would be voting for the party that has allowed millions into the country illegally and then provides them with better housing, food, and medical benefits than our veterans receive and far better than American citizens receive. Back in his day, an immigrant had to have a sponsor who was responsible for them and attested that they would not become a burden to society. Are you sure he would vote for the party that implemented a vaccine mandate and lied about its effectiveness and supported the censorship of those who disagreed? Back in his day, the first amendment and freedom of movement were sacrosanct. As for decency, morals and norms are a thing of the past and what passes as decency today would be seen as decadence in his time as it would have been as little as a decade ago. But hey, feel free to think what you want, believe what you believe, and live in a fantasy land where the most Woke is you Mesiah and the government is your church.
You a Jesus guy?

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34

‘Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.’ Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’
Deuteronomy 27:19
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As one who memorized the entire speech when I was at Iowa, and as one who published a poster with a brief Kinnick bio and the entire, accurate Heisman speech, I guess I may have a special appreciation of this moment. Thanks for posting, Fran.

BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, either.
Wrong board, but you’re absolutely right that almost no one in the greatest generation would buy into the MAGA bullshit today.

With that said, let’s not pretend they would embrace the left’s “wokeness” either.

The point? All Americans need to find a mirror and start caring more about the country and less about their tribe.
As one who memorized the entire speech when I was at Iowa, and as one who published a poster with a brief Kinnick bio and the entire, accurate Heisman speech, I guess I may have a special appreciation of this moment. Thanks for posting, Fran.

BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, either.
Take it the OT page dipshit.
Fun fact. In HS I had to type an acceptance speech for an English project. Totally spaced it and the day of during Algebra 2 I asked to go to the bathroom but in reality I went to the library and copied and pasted Nile's speech. I just replaced the words about WW2 with the Middle East.

I felt terrible after, my teacher gave me a 120% and told me I had a future in writing.
Looks like this is morphed from semi-politics to Jesus. You're not against Jesus are you? I pray to him every time the Hawks snap the ball.
He's an alright player for Arsenal, definitely seems to be embracing his role there more so than at City. I'm not sure how familiar he is with Iowa or American football but you do you ;)
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You a Jesus guy?

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34

‘Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.’ Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’
Deuteronomy 27:19
That’s the problem with believing in fairy tales and fables from antiquity. There’s always some line or some verse that justifies whatever you want it to.
For the love of ****, can we leave politics out of every damn topic?
This, this, this, this, and this.

Sports are to escape this meaningless drivel. We're FUBAR regardless of our choice. It doesn't matter where our vote goes truthfully. Sports are to escape this inundation. Increasingly, and obviously, that seems impossible to do. Keep them separate.

I'm tired of people that know so little trying to educate others on politics as if we're not aware. It's like trying to have a rational conversation with Eyes.
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As one who memorized the entire speech when I was at Iowa, and as one who published a poster with a brief Kinnick bio and the entire, accurate Heisman speech, I guess I may have a special appreciation of this moment. Thanks for posting, Fran.

BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, either.
Leave the politics off this board jackass. And btw you may need to look a little closer at the definition of tyranny and how the leftists operate. Rather ironic given your ignorant comment.
He's a perfect example of their voter base. Hypocrites, liars and people who prefer assassins over elections (and we all know why that is true).
Great to see from him. I hope he sees more game time, because he clearly has the heart for it.
BTW: Who do you think the Republican Nile Kinnick would be voting for in this election? That's right. He'd be voting for decency and democracy, not for depravity and tryranny. He never did like orange, eieither.
**** off, retard. It just amazes me how you people are incapable of not talking about politics for every little thing.

But not to the other guy?
Just ignore him, @Obviously Oblivious is a dipshit.
I've always thought his speech didn't make sense. We'd rather fight on the gridiron than defend our country against the Fascists? Would have been better if he said, " We in America enjoy the freedom to play a game, football, while others are fighting for their very existence. I plan to join their fight to keep America and the world free from tyranny ", which of course he did and made the ultimate sacrifice...
Almost every thread on this board- - - - - -> hijacked.

Now back to the topic….great job Koen. Keep working hard.
I've always thought his speech didn't make sense. We'd rather fight on the gridiron than defend our country against the Fascists? Would have been better if he said, " We in America enjoy the freedom to play a game, football, while others are fighting for their very existence. I plan to join their fight to keep America and the world free from tyranny ", which of course he did and made the ultimate sacrifice...
Hindsight is a hell of a thing. Up until pearl harbor I'd bet most "kids" would rather play football than be involved in a war.
I've always thought his speech didn't make sense. We'd rather fight on the gridiron than defend our country against the Fascists? Would have been better if he said, " We in America enjoy the freedom to play a game, football, while others are fighting for their very existence. I plan to join their fight to keep America and the world free from tyranny ", which of course he did and made the ultimate sacrifice...
I like your nobility.
You know if you want you can join up right now and fight islamofascists in one part of the globe or communists in another part.
Great Hawkeye. He was interviewed after Schulte announced he was returning, since he likely wouldn’t be starting until after Schulte leaves, and he basically said no way, I belong here. Kid has tremendous talent and is going to to big things next year.
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You a Jesus guy?

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34

‘Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.’ Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’
Deuteronomy 27:19
Nope, but from your attempt to belittle the religion of others you have apparently spent more time with a bible than I have which is none. I've never even opened one. It appears you have been involved in some heavy mental stereotyping, but alas, it's a swing and a miss on your behalf.
Defending political posts in a football thread makes you look like even more of a dipshit than you already are lmao
I defended nothing, your reading comprehension is lacking. You’ve got nothing but insults, so you can kindly f.uck off.