Anything that relates to an over the top "look at me" moment, is a bad look IMO. Emotion is great, over the top emotion not so much (Keegan "flex" is not over the top IMO - it was hard to notice for some I'm guessing). But relative to those over the top moments regardless of the Sport, we all saw it and you didn't invent it. Get on with playing the game. And and stay off my damn lawn too! 😏
That's the beauty of the Murray Twins, they show some minor emotion from time to time, whether a good or bad outcome. That gains them respect from friend or foe. They might be going haywire on the inside, but you'd never know it. Calm under fire, or so it appears, one hell of a trait in my book.
As far as I'm concerned there should be a National Campaign with these two as the pseudo Poster Child for how to conduct yourself as a competitor in an athletic event, no matter the age group (you could throw in Iowa Wrestling great Spencer Lee in with them, all on the same campus). They're priceless, hope they never change.