Kyle Dake debuts new Twitter handle "@alliseeisburroughsthumb"

I'm okay with Kyle Dake staying as far East as possible, but I'm a little sensitive from a past experience with him. I went to the Word Championships in Vegas with some high profile ex-Hawks and even one that played a little football at OSU.....we were all playing blackjack between sessions and Dake sits at our table next to me. Two of us were puffing on cigars and Dake went nuts. Told us to put them out or he was leaving. Needless to say, it went back to being an all Hawk table.

Doesn't mean he's not a great wrestler, but he is a bi@#$. Just mine and my companies humble opionion...
Dake and Taylor will both be gifted weights next year... which is good for USA cause let's be honest both would medal if they were the rep at 74 and 86.
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Dake and Taylor will both be gifted weights next year... which is good for USA cause let's be honest both would medal if they were the rep at 74 and 86.
They are great, but don't think I'd be so confident about a medal. They certainly have talent and experience, but it's not that easy.
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Heard he is creating a new @alliDoisLoseToJBandCOMPLAIN
I'm okay with Kyle Dake staying as far East as possible, but I'm a little sensitive from a past experience with him. I went to the Word Championships in Vegas with some high profile ex-Hawks and even one that played a little football at OSU.....we were all playing blackjack between sessions and Dake sits at our table next to me. Two of us were puffing on cigars and Dake went nuts. Told us to put them out or he was leaving. Needless to say, it went back to being an all Hawk table.

Doesn't mean he's not a great wrestler, but he is a bi@#$. Just mine and my companies humble opionion...
Smoke better cigars! Dake likes his Cuban!
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I'm okay with Kyle Dake staying as far East as possible, but I'm a little sensitive from a past experience with him. I went to the Word Championships in Vegas with some high profile ex-Hawks and even one that played a little football at OSU.....we were all playing blackjack between sessions and Dake sits at our table next to me. Two of us were puffing on cigars and Dake went nuts. Told us to put them out or he was leaving. Needless to say, it went back to being an all Hawk table.

Doesn't mean he's not a great wrestler, but he is a bi@#$. Just mine and my companies humble opionion...

He's a jerk. No personality to him whatsoever.
I'm okay with Kyle Dake staying as far East as possible, but I'm a little sensitive from a past experience with him. I went to the Word Championships in Vegas with some high profile ex-Hawks and even one that played a little football at OSU.....we were all playing blackjack between sessions and Dake sits at our table next to me. Two of us were puffing on cigars and Dake went nuts. Told us to put them out or he was leaving. Needless to say, it went back to being an all Hawk table.

Doesn't mean he's not a great wrestler, but he is a bi@#$. Just mine and my companies humble opionion...

Definitely not how I would go about it and he deserves your criticism. However, if you aren't a smoker, sitting amongst multiple cigar smokers is beyond intolerable. I still remember the team we used to bowl against where they all smoked cigars. It was honestly a ploy by them to get to the other teams. It often worked. I honestly may have considered stopping bowling if not for Michigan adopting the smoking ban.
Dake has always been a boor. He's comments after his final's wins over Molinaro and St. John tell you all you need to know. He reminds me of Patrick Kane.
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Dake has always been a boor. He's comments after his final's wins over Molinaro and St. John tell you all you need to know. He reminds me of Patrick Kane.
Ok, but do Gilman's comments/antics bother you? I don't really care about someone's personality when it comes to this level and stage of wrestling.
I am not saying this did not happen at all but every time I have talked to him at a wrestling events and this is multiple times in Vegas he has been a great guy.
I am not saying this did not happen at all but every time I have talked to him at a wrestling events and this is multiple times in Vegas he has been a great guy.

I don't think you can summarize a guy's personality based on some comments made right after a wrestling match, and for that reason I don't have anything against Dake.

In fact, he deserves praise.... having taken down Cael's chosen one, repeatedly.
Amazing wrestler, I just think he has one mode and it relates to winning. Seeing him after a loss is rare..I'm a JB fan more so. Graciousness in win or defeat is either innate or learned, seems it's something he needs work on.
I'm okay with Kyle Dake staying as far East as possible, but I'm a little sensitive from a past experience with him. I went to the Word Championships in Vegas with some high profile ex-Hawks and even one that played a little football at OSU.....we were all playing blackjack between sessions and Dake sits at our table next to me. Two of us were puffing on cigars and Dake went nuts. Told us to put them out or he was leaving. Needless to say, it went back to being an all Hawk table.

Doesn't mean he's not a great wrestler, but he is a bi@#$. Just mine and my companies humble opionion...

So he told you to put them out or he would leave, and so he left, and you disliked he him because of it?

Just clarifying...
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Guess I wouldn't sit a table full of people, two of whom were smoking cigars in a Vegas casino, start barking orders, then stomp off because I didn't get my way...

Sure, you interpret it as stomping off, or he, you know, left because of the smoking.

Your simply hoping non-smokers would never approach a smoking table, which is a weird desire.

I wasn't there and clearly didn't view his actions, but basing an opinion on somebody over this sounds like someone needs to adjust their hemorrhoid cushion.
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Sure, you interpret it as stomping off, or he, you know, left because of the smoking.

Your simply hoping non-smokers would never approach a smoking table, which is a weird desire.

I wasn't there and clearly didn't view his actions, but basing an opinion on somebody over this sounds like someone needs to adjust their hemorrhoid cushion.

Haha. You basing an opinion on that sounds justifiable, though.

Take a nap
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Haha. You basing an opinion on that sounds justifiable, though.

Take a nap

Wait, what? You are saying my calling out someone passing judgment, is an equivalent passing of judgment?

Ok then. Sounds like a great reason to want one of the most accomplished collegiate wrestlers of all time to stay away from IC.

Especially when you appear to be on board with Downey...
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Dake may be a dick or he may be the nicest guy in the world. I don't care because he seems to be dedicated to the craft and is a great wrestler. I would take him in the HWC in a heartbeat. As long as he is professional in the room...who cares?
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Wait, what? You are saying my calling out someone passing judgment, is an equivalent passing of judgment?

Ok then. Sounds like a great reason to want one of the most accomplished collegiate wrestlers of all time to stay away from IC.

Especially when you appear to be on board with Downey...

I'm speaking from a personal experience we had with the guy. Had little to do with the actual smoking, but moreso how he handled the situation. Not a far cry from the way he handles himself after a loss. If you like him based on his FLO interviews and his wrestling skills, great.
I smoked cigarettes for 20 years...quit in my 40s....second hand smoke now actually makes me sick now....each their own

I honestly wish cigarettes were illegal In public. Should only be able to smoke in private places such as your house. Walking down the sidewalk and having to walk through someone's second hand cigarette smoke infuriates me. Even crazier to me is how many young people I see smoking - like 20 years old. Even with all the information out there about the health effects.
I honestly wish cigarettes were illegal In public. Should only be able to smoke in private places such as your house. Walking down the sidewalk and having to walk through someone's second hand cigarette smoke infuriates me. Even crazier to me is how many young people I see smoking - like 20 years old. Even with all the information out there about the health effects.
Yeah, it's a real bitch when others freedoms infringe on your private Utopia. If only Hitler were a better tactician, you wouldn't have these huge obstacles to overcome in your daily activities.
I don't know the guy so won't give an opinion on him personally. Nor do I want to get into a smoking debate. To each their own. What I would say is I would love for him to be associated with the HWC. It would not only help the HWC but also with recruiting. These kids we are recruiting now were just really getting into wrestling when Dake was becoming a 4 timer. My 2 cents.
Yeah, it's a real bitch when others freedoms infringe on your private Utopia. If only Hitler were a better tactician, you wouldn't have these huge obstacles to overcome in your daily activities.

Relax man. I'm voicing my opinion. Breathing in second hand smoke while walking down the sidewalk or being at other public places where people smoke, is not fun. It smells awful and is unhealthy. It's not a drug that only affects the user. The fact that other people are affected makes it reasonable to ban in public places. I'd hardly call that a Utopia. And why throw in the Hitler comment? I said I wish smoking was only allowed in private places/residences. Never said smokers should be mass murdered by Hitler. You're a quite overly defensive.
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Relax man. I'm voicing my opinion. Breathing in second hand smoke while walking down the sidewalk or being at other public places where people smoke, is not fun. It smells awful and is unhealthy. It's not a drug that only affects the user. The fact that other people are affected makes it reasonable to ban in public places. I'd hardly call that a Utopia. And why throw in the Hitler comment? I said I wish smoking was only allowed in private places/residences. Never said smokers should be mass murdered by Hitler. You're a quite overly defensive.
You're whining. But you call it whatever you like. Like you I'm voicing my opinion. Which is our right because of that whole Freedom thing. Secured by those same folks you want to impose YOUR will upon on for things that bother YOU.

Perhaps you're the type of person who pisses and moans about the smell of hog shit, while you're mowing down a center cut pork chop. I certainly wouldn't want to judge on such a small sample size however.

You have a nice day regardless now ya hear....... but whatever you do, don't wear that ugly blue shirt with the white stripes outside, the one that offends the shit out of your neighbor as you're walking in public. I'd hate for a ban on ugly blue shirts to be enacted and ruin your day. See how this works?
You're whining. But you call it whatever you like. Like you I'm voicing my opinion. Which is our right because of that whole Freedom thing. Secured by those same folks you want to impose YOUR will upon on for things that bother YOU.

Perhaps you're the type of person who pisses and moans about the smell of hog shit, while you're mowing down a center cut pork chop. I certainly wouldn't want to judge on such a small sample size however.

You have a nice day regardless now ya hear....... but whatever you do, don't wear that ugly blue shirt with the white stripes outside, the one that offends the shit out of your neighbor as you're walking in public. I'd hate for a ban on ugly blue shirts to be enacted and ruin your day. See how this works?

What a terrible analogy.

Your "freedom" can't infringe on the freedom or rights of others. You have no more of a right to smoke than someone has to breathe clean air and not the poison breathed by others.

That said, going back to earlier in the discussion, the casino says smoking is OK so you have every right to smoke there and non smokers have to just deal with it.
Are you allowed to piss in a smokers face after a few vodkas and fireball shots,? I just want to know how far our rights extend. I don't think smokers should have a right for their smoke to be inhaled by non smokers. That isn't a knock on sloehawk or others that disagree. To each their own but a smoker should have enough respect to not expose non smokers.
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Yeah, it's a real bitch when others freedoms infringe on your private Utopia. If only Hitler were a better tactician, you wouldn't have these huge obstacles to overcome in your daily activities.
Smokers suck. Go in an alley and keep that stinky crap away from people. As bad as putting dog poop an inch away from somebody's nose.
Those dirtballs you pull up next to at a stop light that hold their cig out the window are scum. Really, my toddler is inhaling that cancer. They are too much of an addict pussy to inhale, and keep it to themselves.
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