Larry Johnson CTE

Is there any help out there for CTE presently?

I think they are "breaking through" on ways to potentially diagnose it before death, but treatment is a whole other story.
Just some of the stories--this one included--are sad and scary. I remember Favre talking about how he couldn't remember an entire season of his daughter playing volleyball or softball one year.
Another well known star from the past (can't remember who right now) talked about how he had a sound and light-proof room that he went in to when he had to because of migraines/vertigo/etc. and his family knew not to bother him when he went in there.
Then here Johnson talks about how he forgets more and more as time goes by......sad and scary.
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The reduction of younger kids playing fb will continue and feeder programs for Jr High,High Schools will most likely continue to decline.I have three grandsons and actually hope they don't play fb.
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Good question ... I don't know what can be done ...

More knowledge about what CTE is and what concussions and head trauma do to the brain, better equipment, better technique, starting kids a little later (like junior high) are all great ways to help. Although it's still far from perfect, the way we deal with head trauma has changed significantly in the last 5 years. Here's to hoping it only gets better, because I need my football.
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I have CTE. I'm 46 and I have issues with it. I get scared as sometimes and lose more memories often which is hard as I used to have n excellent memory. Not really treatment for it. Justin Google alot and I try to not make rash decisions, impulse control is tough. I could go on but it is what it is.
I have CTE. I'm 46 and I have issues with it. I get scared as sometimes and lose more memories often which is hard as I used to have n excellent memory. Not really treatment for it. Justin Google alot and I try to not make rash decisions, impulse control is tough. I could go on but it is what it is.

Sorry to hear that, hopefully they will be able to slow down the negative effects. The brain is our most critical body part and with alzheimers and other degenerative orders I hope more research is done.

Cancer awareness is at an alltime high and with the amount of funding it is getting I truly believe it will be beaten.

CTE is only now getting the attention it deserves because of the amount of high profile suicides. It's a pity that we have neglected it for so long. To think we used to send electical shocks to cure mental illness just twenty to thirty years ago is appalling. Don't get me started on the whole lobotomy issue.

My paternal grandmother had schizophrania and to " cure" her they sent her to shock treatment. I used to ask my dad how they thought that was humane and he just said it was a lack of information.

I'm glad the NFL and youth football programs are taking this stuff seriously though.

Keep up the good fight.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully they will be able to slow down the negative effects. The brain is our most critical body part and with alzheimers and other degenerative orders I hope more research is done.

Cancer awareness is at an alltime high and with the amount of funding it is getting I truly believe it will be beaten.

CTE is only now getting the attention it deserves because of the amount of high profile suicides. It's a pity that we have neglected it for so long. To think we used to send electical shocks to cure mental illness just twenty to thirty years ago is appalling. Don't get me started on the whole lobotomy issue.

My paternal grandmother had schizophrania and to " cure" her they sent her to shock treatment. I used to ask my dad how they thought that was humane and he just said it was a lack of information.

I'm glad the NFL and youth football programs are taking this stuff seriously though.

Keep up the good fight.
Shock treatment continues to be the a treatment for mental illnesses., however it is normally called ECT (electro-convulsive therapy). Yes it used to be pretty rough, even though I never saw the movie everyone else seems to have watched which has formed a lot of opinions. It is certainly different now..I don't think it would still be called appalling or inhumane. And if it is the alternative to severe mental illness symptoms, if meds haven't worked, . it can be and has beena lifesaver.I have a relative who takes these treatment and have even driven him to outpatient ones. I 'd say its time for you to update from 40 yrs ago.

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