Sorry to hear that, hopefully they will be able to slow down the negative effects. The brain is our most critical body part and with alzheimers and other degenerative orders I hope more research is done.
Cancer awareness is at an alltime high and with the amount of funding it is getting I truly believe it will be beaten.
CTE is only now getting the attention it deserves because of the amount of high profile suicides. It's a pity that we have neglected it for so long. To think we used to send electical shocks to cure mental illness just twenty to thirty years ago is appalling. Don't get me started on the whole lobotomy issue.
My paternal grandmother had schizophrania and to " cure" her they sent her to shock treatment. I used to ask my dad how they thought that was humane and he just said it was a lack of information.
I'm glad the NFL and youth football programs are taking this stuff seriously though.
Keep up the good fight.