Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

Since the only people who will be influenced not to vote by mail are Trump supporters I don't see what he's gaining by taking this stance. Democrats will push that voting by mail is safe and secure. Seems like the result will be Trump supporters putting themselves at risk to vote for President Fraud.
IMO, Trump is laying the groundwork to call the election results a fraud if he loses.

"I told them election fraud would occur."
Making up more shit. It’s easy (and somewhat understandable about campaign promises that have lies underneath). But he lies about history which is so damn easy to prove.

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This is along the lines of what I've been saying for a long time: US is a 'consumerism-based' economy. Starve the consumers and the economy is crap. And, yes, that means those below the mean (or even the lower 2/3s) shouldn't really pay anything in taxes. Free that cash up, and they spend it on things the rich people and companies make.

That awkward moment you realize you're in the "high risk" group that Trump and the GOP want to just "let the Covid infections run wild" for....
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