Leonard Pitts asks what we "can do" about the race issue...


HB King
Gold Member
OK column by Pitts here.

More interesting to me, however, were some thoughts our city administrator put together on the issue:

On today’s editorial page, Leonard Pitts asked for answers to a woman’s question about what she can do about what is happening in Baltimore and other towns. Here’s my first cut at answers:

#6) Demand professional & transparent local government – Place matters, and the place that matters most is your town. Professional city management and professional, accredited (CALEA, as one example) law enforcement helps communities succeed. Demand the highest professional standards.

#5) Demand independent investigation capability – Police enforcement and prosecution is symbiotic. Power structures protect themselves. These are realities, and thus the best way to maintain integrity in investigatory processes is to have independence built into oversight. Independent review /advocacy commissions (Davenport’s Civil Rights Commission, as an example) with real power, overseen by boards with terms that span beyond presently seated elected officials, are required for justice.

#4) Tune out partisans – When someone starts telling you one of the two dominant political parties has the answer, carefully crafted in some speaking point, move on to discuss the topic with someone more open. Unless you like wasting time.

#3) Resolve what race means to you – Skin color, like eye color, is genetic. If skin color means more to you than eye color, start asking yourself some serious questions.

#2) Don’t let race be a proxy for any other argument – Respecting all the culture built into ethnicity, locale, lineage and socio-economics, don’t accept race as a proxy for any other argument.

#1) Be less of a spectator and more of a participant – Watch less television news, which is generally crafted to trick you into staying tuned until the next commercial, and experience life for yourself. Go to an event you wouldn’t normally go to. Travel some. Read something you think you’ll disagree with. Volunteer at a place where you’ll meet people who’ve had different life experiences.

Life’s good – disconnect from what’s provided electronically and go get some.
The insane decision to 'wage' war on drugs in this country has given law enforcement a green light to do pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want. Black people, unfortunately, fall victim to this policy far more often than white people do.

End the war and probably 90% of the race problems go away with it.
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Pitts has written some really, really good columns. His work immediately following 911 was maybe the best in the country. The National Society of Newspaper Columnists more or less invented an award to give him that year when he didn't get the Pulitzer (he got it a year or two later for less impressive work). Having said that, he's really a one-trick pony on race. Makes Sharpton look objective.
Pitts has written some really, really good columns. His work immediately following 911 was maybe the best in the country. The National Society of Newspaper Columnists more or less invented an award to give him that year when he didn't get the Pulitzer (he got it a year or two later for less impressive work). Having said that, he's really a one-trick pony on race. Makes Sharpton look objective.
Yeah, he is kind of like Michael Wilbon in that respect. I do like the fact he is planning a series of columns with actual, real-world suggestions for DOING and not just more talk, talk, talk though. Will be interesting to see what comes out.
The insane decision to 'wage' war on drugs in this country has given law enforcement a green light to do pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want. Black people, unfortunately, fall victim to this policy far more often than white people do.

End the war and probably 90% of the race problems go away with it.
I agree that the war on drugs is a total failure but as for the rest of your thoughts.....they are dubio
Yeah, he is kind of like Michael Wilbon in that respect. I do like the fact he is planning a series of columns with actual, real-world suggestions for DOING and not just more talk, talk, talk though. Will be interesting to see what comes out.
I do agree with your sentiment on the war on drugs but as far as the rest its well.....Dubious. You seem to think the problem with inner city black males is the police and that's simply not true. The larger problem driving it is lack of fathers in the home, lack of supportive family structure and young black males raising them selves. The great NY senator (Daniel Patrick Moynihan) once said the biggest responsibility of society is to civilize its male youth. In too many cases in the inner city that is not happening. Throw in Sharpton and all the race baiters who bring a match and gasoline to these things, then incite the crowd and the situation goes from bad to worse. Now we have local idiotic mayors who order their police to stand down and all hell breaks loose
I do agree with your sentiment on the war on drugs but as far as the rest its well.....Dubious. You seem to think the problem with inner city black males is the police and that's simply not true. The larger problem driving it is lack of fathers in the home, lack of supportive family structure and young black males raising them selves. The great NY senator (Daniel Patrick Moynihan) once said the biggest responsibility of society is to civilize its male youth. In too many cases in the inner city that is not happening. Throw in Sharpton and all the race baiters who bring a match and gasoline to these things, then incite the crowd and the situation goes from bad to worse. Now we have local idiotic mayors who order their police to stand down and all hell breaks loose
Yeah, and they called Moynihan a racist and ignored what he said. And they still do.

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