On today's episode of what would you, as a parent, do?

Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
Show the kid's parents and talk to them and tell them is son is majoring in Pig Latin. But really, a smartass kid who thinks he is doing something funny but he needs a bit of negative consequences for this. It doesnt have to be a major type of thing, but he wrote this on your son's account. he should know if he doest that when he is 18 and gets caught he is going to be sharing a cell with a guy who loves to do the real entrance only
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Only addition I’ll add:

The 11/yo boy is in a constant battle with me on Switch “rights”. He finds a way to circumvent play times and access to YouTube alot. They tinker with settings, profiles, etc. and Nintendo has made it sort of idiot proof for parents. But, still.

We used to sneak out or play out after dark when we weren’t supposed to. Their “rebellion” is user names and beating parental controls in such a way you can’t catch them.
Only addition I’ll add:

The 11/yo boy is in a constant battle with me on Switch “rights”. He finds a way to circumvent play times and access to YouTube alot. They tinker with settings, profiles, etc. and Nintendo has made it sort of idiot proof for parents. But, still.

We used to sneak out or play out after dark when we weren’t supposed to. Their “rebellion” is user names and beating parental controls in such a way you can’t catch them.
Echoes of the scotus TikTok argument.
Demonstrates perseverance, imagine how many names didn't make it through the filter before he landed on one
Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
I think you should worry about lil’ Womp Womp being 750B+ behind the idiot.

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