Let’s play coach


HB All-American
Oct 28, 2019
Hackensack, New Jersey
If you had your choice for Iowa’s starting quarterback and Running back who would you choose and why?

Mine is Sullivan and Johnson… main reason is Sullivan offers a non stiff quarterback and he looked pretty good against Iowa last year… Johnson offers top end speed if he gets a gap he is good as gone… doesn’t have the wiggle like Williams but he is a prototype NFL back but needs to work on defenders missing him… I think he has untapped talent at RB… just my opinion but Iowa needs a qb that can get out of the pocket and not being a standing statue…. Aka… Brad Banks and Drew Tate…
Don't encourage these guys.

This thread is already behind the chains with your first down contribution
If you had your choice for Iowa’s starting quarterback and Running back who would you choose and why?

Mine is Sullivan and Johnson… main reason is Sullivan offers a non stiff quarterback and he looked pretty good against Iowa last year… Johnson offers top end speed if he gets a gap he is good as gone… doesn’t have the wiggle like Williams but he is a prototype NFL back but needs to work on defenders missing him… I think he has untapped talent at RB… just my opinion but Iowa needs a qb that can get out of the pocket and not being a standing statue…. Aka… Brad Banks and Drew Tate…

First of all, the starter at running back is someone who might get 18-20 carries and the #2 guy might get 13-15 carries. So that position is not as important when it comes to starters. Personnally I like KalebJ a bit more because he has hit more long home run carries. But Leshon is very good, a little more shifty and both are powerful although Leshon probably gets more hard yards after LOS contact.

Now QB is a different story, they touch the ball on every scrimmage play and they are in there until the game is way in control. I have to go with Cade because of his experience and big game experience. If he is healthy he will be able to move around and run and rollout/bootleg. Sullivan might be a better zone read type runner but that it not the main type of play in this offense.
Settle down, this is a forum … JHC don’t blow a nut over a post for gods sake
Sorry, overall I respect you, as a poster.

I just have no patience for fans that don't realize to never contribute to a QB controversy. There's a reason it is a coach's worst nightmare. Among other things, it can divide a locker room. And a team just can't win that way.

Yes, it's just a forum. But other than Iowa City, during the school season, this forum is probably the largest community of Hawkeye fans there is. Especially when you consider that stuff spreads, and stuff posted on here gets repeated in public, and all across the state every day.

There's just no upside to the post. Sometimes we actually have to take the things that coaches say to heart and play on the same team as them.

Along those lines, I really don't see where it is ever a good idea to ask a bunch of fans to play coach in the first place
Sullivan and McNamara should more or less split time the first three games, and Lainez should get a couple series as well. If Iowa wants to contend for the CFP, which it should, it needs to get those top 3 QBs as much playing time as possible. The more Sullivan plays in the non-conference, the less opportunity for Cade to get hurt. And Lainez absolutely has to be in the mix as well, even if it's just one or two series a game.

With Lester running things, I believe Iowa can win with any of the top three QBs. A healthy Cade should be solid, but Sullivan brings a different dimension, and even if Cade stays healthy, he deserves some playing time. And Lainez has to be ready for the worst case scenario.
Cade is a proven winner and knows what it takes to get to the CFP since he's done it before. Sullivan threw for 81 yds against us. He's a serviceable backup, but not a starter on a team that has a legit shot at the CFP.

Leshon is a guy that can consistently get you 3-5 yds a pop. He rarely gets taken down behind the LOS and doesn't dance.....just hits the hole hard. Kaleb is a guy that for every homerun he hits, he gets dropped for losses way too much. I prefer consistency over flash, but there's definitely a place for him in our offense.....but as more of a change of pace back, not an every down back.
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Sullivan threw for 81 yds against us. He's a serviceable backup, but not a starter on a team that has a legit shot at the CFP.
BS wasn’t spectacular last season, but his 64% completion %, 3:1 TD to INT ratio and QB rating >140 were stats that are essentially unrecognizable for Iowa fans the past 3 seasons.

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