Vroom_C14 HB Heisman Mar 3, 2014 6,959 2,076 113 Aug 25, 2015 #1 Duke students decide against reading material - Gay
J jscott78 HB Legend May 29, 2001 31,125 1,742 113 Aug 25, 2015 #2 Vroom_C14 said: Duke students decide against reading material - Gay Click to expand... Why get so butthurt over a voluntary reading, Dukies? Just pick another book and move on. Pussification of American marches on.
Vroom_C14 said: Duke students decide against reading material - Gay Click to expand... Why get so butthurt over a voluntary reading, Dukies? Just pick another book and move on. Pussification of American marches on.
22*43*51 HB Legend Nov 23, 2008 16,430 4,299 113 Aug 25, 2015 #3 I think we own everyone of those books. Kids love them and it makes reading fun.
ANYCHawk HB Legend Nov 13, 2007 49,708 48,042 113 Aug 25, 2015 #4 Not enough dungarees and rings of keys down on Duke's campus.
Vroom_C14 HB Heisman Mar 3, 2014 6,959 2,076 113 Aug 25, 2015 #5 jscott78 said: Why get so butthurt over a voluntary reading, Dukies? Just pick another book and move on. Pussification of American marches on. Click to expand... Ironic that you say "butthurt" on a gay topic? Reactions: moral_victory
jscott78 said: Why get so butthurt over a voluntary reading, Dukies? Just pick another book and move on. Pussification of American marches on. Click to expand... Ironic that you say "butthurt" on a gay topic?