Liberals love to complain the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes but that doesn't stop them from finding ways to avoid their own taxes.

In reality there is no such thing as corporate taxes and everyone knows it, so the corporate tax rate should be 0%. The present corporate tax system is simply designed as another way to hide additional individual taxes from the average citizen. The cost of a product or service has to be raised by a corporation to pay the corporation tax. So who really paid the tax, the end consumer not the corp.

The only thing the IRS should be worried about when there aren't corporate taxes, is making sure executives at said company, don't put cars, private planes, and other perks in a corporations name to be used exclusively by executives so those same executives don't pay personal taxes on those perks.
Fair enough, thanks for the response.
Been said over and over. The rich pay the majority of taxes because they have the majority of the money. The overwhelming majority of the money. And you intentionally say, pay to the irs, conveniently ignoring payroll taxes which are disproportionally born by the poor and middle class and basically non-existent for the rich.
Payroll taxes, you mean social security and medicare taxes? They fund those programs they don't fund the military or anything else. I'm a firm believer that every citizen needs to pay something in federal taxes, not just SS and medicare. Everyone should have skin in the game.