Listening to scotus hearing on immunity

3 of the conservatives (paraphrased) "I am not concerned with this case but the future"
Then go on to question about motives to use restricted immunity to seek revenge as their main focus.
IMO The overiding question should be if no immunity how does the country function if there is no check on president

The tactic is delay here.

Nothing before the Court relies on any "official actions" taken by Trump.

Neither POTUS nor VPOTUS has any "official function" with respect to elections; any action taken to undermine the election is irrelevant to the claims they are attempting to bring up here.

Nor is attempting to blackmail another country over US aid - when that is formal US policy - to gain political support for their election.

When SCOTUS wants to accept limited rulings, and do so quickly, they do that.
In this instance, they are broadening the claims brought with hypotheticals that simply do not apply, and cannot apply here. Running out the clock.
Immunity from State Prosecution, but not federal! (This is probably needed because states are out of control with their lawsuits.)
Immunity from State Prosecution, but not federal! (This is probably needed because states are out of control with their lawsuits.)

So, becoming President means you cannot be liable for crimes you committed BEFORE you were President?

Is this your new premise?