LOL! Bibi played the Repubs brilliantly.


HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Bibi Using Congressional Address In New Campaign Ad, Just As Critics Warned
WASHINGTON -- When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress just a few weeks ahead of an Israeli election, he was criticized for giving Netanyahu a platform to boost his campaign.
The United States has a policy of not meeting with foreign leaders in advance of elections, so as not to appear to be tilting the electoral balance. But Netanyahu insisted that his motivations had nothing to do with the election, and that the timing of the speech was demanded by the urgency of the Iran nuclear negotiations. There was simply no time to waste.
Already, however, Netanyahu is using his speech as a prop in a campaign commercial back in Israel, where the prime minister is shown basking in the applause of members of Congress who did not boycott his speech.
With five days left until the Israeli elections, Netanyahu launched the 80-second campaign ad above, featuring his controversial address along with footage of rockets being launched.
Everything is political with the left. Everything. Bibi's a strong leader and showed it with his talk, it was great seeing what we've been missing for the past 6 years.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Originally posted by Metuo Accipiter:
How is this playing the Republicans? They want him to win.
So the republican leadership lied to the American people when they said this was not a political thing?
In short, yes. And the two posters above you have no problem with this, because they're brainwashed to approve of all things Republican Party. Hence why they are weirdly such big fans of Netanyahu, the scumbag.
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
Everything is political with the left. Everything. Bibi's a strong leader and showed it with his talk, it was great seeing what we've been missing for the past 6 years.

He's such a strong leader he's struggling to win reelection.

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Originally posted by arrrrrghhhh!:
When is there not "another election coming" for any politician in a democratic country? Thats all these guys do
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Well, I think the general rule is 6-months.

But, Israel is having elections in 5 days. So, less than 3 weeks from when he duped the Republicans.
Originally posted by Metuo Accipiter:
How is this playing the Republicans? They want him to win.

Seems on here as though the "repubs" detractors are the ones being duped.
OP.....thanks for the laugh!!!
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Bibi Using Congressional Address In New Campaign Ad, Just As Critics Warned
WASHINGTON -- When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress just a few weeks ahead of an Israeli election, he was criticized for giving Netanyahu a platform to boost his campaign.
The United States has a policy of not meeting with foreign leaders in advance of elections, so as not to appear to be tilting the electoral balance. But Netanyahu insisted that his motivations had nothing to do with the election, and that the timing of the speech was demanded by the urgency of the Iran nuclear negotiations. There was simply no time to waste.
Already, however, Netanyahu is using his speech as a prop in a campaign commercial back in Israel, where the prime minister is shown basking in the applause of members of Congress who did not boycott his speech.
With five days left until the Israeli elections, Netanyahu launched the 80-second campaign ad above, featuring his controversial address along with footage of rockets being launched.

Your headline Is plain wrong. No body "played" any one. Both sides got something
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