Lottery ticket cash in at gas station

Can we stop this? Fuking poors holding up the line so they can turn in their 30 scratch tickets for 5 dollars back.

I’d agree but you need a solution. Where are they supposed to go to cash them in? Plus you’re going to make them go somewhere other than where they were purchased?
They should also stop selling chew, cigars and cigs. Takes forever for some of the clerks to know which of the million different types they are supposed to be grabbing.
I’d agree but you need a solution. Where are they supposed to go to cash them in? Plus you’re going to make them go somewhere other than where they were purchased?
They should also stop selling chew, cigars and cigs. Takes forever for some of the clerks to know which of the million different types they are supposed to be grabbing.
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Their time is just as important as your time.
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Iowa is nothing compared to other states. I was in line in NYC a couple weeks ago and people read off the daily numbers to the cashier and they type them in. They have a list of like 50 numbers! They luckily would stop when other people would line up but it was ridiculous.
Can we stop this? Fuking poors holding up the line so they can turn in their 30 scratch tickets for 5 dollars back.


So much this. Then they want to buy more tickets with the cash they just got. They hang out there all day like it's a slot machine. MOOOVE ALONG!!!!
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They should also stop selling chew, cigars and cigs. Takes forever for some of the clerks to know which of the million different types they are supposed to be grabbing.
See, this one is a failure on the customer, not the clerk. Customer has to be assertive and guide their hand to what they want. Don’t just say the brand and stare at your phone while they struggle to find it.

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