We’ll never have a credentialed coach like that again. It was a different era and we struck gold.
And, he struggled after that Final 4 appearance. To recruit, to win, to find privacy, to find another Ronnie Lester, who was the reason we went to the Final Four. Lute bolted for his ideal situation.
The coaches that followed: Raveling, Davis, Alford all came with something in their briefcase. Be it big conference experience, tenured coaching experience or just plain, old fanfare.
You’re going to have to handsomely pay for the next great Iowa coach, IMO. Everyone is looking for the big payday.
And, he struggled after that Final 4 appearance. To recruit, to win, to find privacy, to find another Ronnie Lester, who was the reason we went to the Final Four. Lute bolted for his ideal situation.
The coaches that followed: Raveling, Davis, Alford all came with something in their briefcase. Be it big conference experience, tenured coaching experience or just plain, old fanfare.
You’re going to have to handsomely pay for the next great Iowa coach, IMO. Everyone is looking for the big payday.
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