Luther’s video needs its own thread

HR friends,

Thank you for the accolades, however, they're all unwarranted. Just having some fun and trying to get the word out in unique and unusual ways. I was really surprised that after I had posted it here, it appeared on my twitter feed about 5 minutes later under the HWC name. And about 15 minutes after that I got an email from Coach Brands telling me he saw the video and that i set the bar very high. I think we're all trying to achieve the same goal, and that is to raise awareness and funds for the HWC. What excites me the most is that the fruits of all our labor are becoming more visible and the light bulbs are starting to turn on. So much positive energy being built.

Quick story about the HWC and connection with my brother. My brother and I loved to golf. Growing up he worked at Elmcrest as a bag boy, and would occasionally bring me with him to practice on the greens. We would play in tournaments with our other brothers or dad, depending on who was available and where it was. 2 weeks before the HWC outing in Des Moines this year, he played Echo Valley. After his round, we chatted about how he played and what he thought. He had to rub it in that he Eagled a par 5 by chipping in from just off the green. He really enjoyed the course. The last time that I saw him was the day before Thanksgiving. We were doing the pre-thanksgiving with Dad and the family the night before as we always do, since the day of, everyone dispersed to their own/other family things. I decided I would give him the belt that I got from the HWC outing since he couldn't make it. I kid you not, his face lit up when i gave it to him and told him what kind of belt it was. He put the damn thing on right there in the dining room. The look on his wife's face was one a typical wife would give. So, there you go. Another indirect connection between me, my brother, and the HWC, based on the foundation of a love of golf.

Sorry for the long post...i guess it wasn't so quick.

Pledge on my friends:

Fine work. Nice to see the green sweater is now elevated to cinematic history.
Don't worry he didn't forget about Ali and Lauren.. :D very clever wording throughout!
That's the only part of the video where I was lost - Ali and Lauren - who is he referring to?