MAGA finally has the receipts on Walz

Hillary ****ed up by assuming the rust belt states were in the bag. Engaging MAGA mental midgets on Beacon OT is not going to rectify what Hillary dropped the ball on.

Focus on people of goodwill who can actually be reached.
That was absolutely a problem but the media focusing on fvcking emails while treating Trump as a big novelty was the far bigger issue.
Or because he is the Commander in Chief while American citizens are being slaughtered by Hamas and can’t even be bothered to get his ass off the ****ing beach and do something.
Biden has gotten a ton of hostages released. He's been incredibly proactive in getting Americans back. Complaining that he spent the day at the beach is dumb. If he could get just one American back he absolutely would spend the day doing that instead.
They trash my thread calling out these MAGA pukes they should be responded to.
I read this in my head with the voice of an angry teenaged girl and I had to chuckle: “They trash my thread…MY THREAD!!!”

Besides, didn’t Torbee already do the sarcastic ‘Oh boy, the R’s got Walz now’ thread last week?
The felon, rapist, stealing of money from charities, draft dodging, tax fraud, racist domestic terrorist most certainly isn’t. Speaking of politics breaking ones brain. You are voting for this and somehow justifying it by the hour. Projection.
A majority of what you listed is your demonic, Democratic Party going on a witch hunt…fake news.
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@RagnarLothbrok Is this the kind of lunatic you’re talking about? Probably no chance to change chonk’s mind that he’s completely on the wrong side of all of this, right?
Dumb And Dumber GIF
The felon, rapist, stealing of money from charities, draft dodging, tax fraud, racist domestic terrorist most certainly isn’t. Speaking of politics breaking ones brain. You are voting for this and somehow justifying it by the hour. Projection.
Anyone else find it hilarious that a habitual, felonious drunk driver would dis anyone else's rap sheet, much less refer to others as "trash?" Multiple offense drunk drivers are one step above child molesters....barely.......
Hills was a 99% lock to win so the usual Democrat cheating apparatus was never setup in those states. They made dam sure not to repeat that in 2020.
Q-anon bullshit.

Every state certified their vote count, Multiple battleground states certified after audit, including multiple audits. Georgia, for instance, hand counted ballots after a routine audit. The election result did not change.

In addition to a state audit, Arizona hired an outside firm (“Cyber Ninjas) to conduct a ballot inspection and audit and found a few more uncounted votes in favor of Biden.

The Trump campaign filed more than sixty (60) lawsuits which challenged election results in several states. None of their challengers had merit.

The “rigged election” claim is pure bullshit. In America, you have to prove allegations of fraud in a court of law (see Trump NY convictions).
Anyone else find it hilarious that a habitual, felonious drunk driver would dis anyone else's rap sheet, much less refer to others as "trash?" Multiple offense drunk drivers are one step above child molesters....barely.......
I find it your wrong all the time and just a garbage person. Attack the person and not the facts presented. You are a stain on this board and whatever other hole you occupy.
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I agree in some regard but we got into this mess - at least partially - because the people who SHOULD have engaged the idiocy in 2015 failed in their duty.
Keep on fighting the good fight, the country is counting on you. 😉
Dudes actually with his wife. I can see why this enrages, the Rs.
However, he’s calling his mistress in that pic. 😳
I find it your wrong all the time and just a garbage person. Attack the person and not the facts presented. You are a stain on this board and whatever other hole you occupy.
That's all you ever do, little guy....Trump this and Trump that! So you're a better class of felon than he is? In your pickled brain anyway...........
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Why do you think it's okay that Tim walz lied about his military record/service for years? He's admitted to it being untrue, though he used the lamest excuse ever about his "bad grammar" being responsible lmfao

Your cult leader is a 40,000 lies liar, no wonder you love him.