Man, Russian windows became really dangerous after Putin took power

History always repeats. Check out what happened to False Dimitry (the first, there were three False Dimitrys).

On the morning of 17 May 1606, ten days after Dmitry's marriage to Marina, huge numbers of boyars and commoners stormed the Kremlin. Dmitry tried to flee by jumping out a window, but fractured his leg in the fall. He fled to a bathhouse and tried to disappear within. But he was recognized and dragged out by the boyars, who killed him lest he successfully appeal to the crowd.[7] His body was hacked to pieces, burned, and then the ashes fired from a cannon towards Poland.[8] According to Palitsyn, Dmitry's death set off a massacre of his supporters. He boasted in his chronicle that "a great amount of heretical blood was spilled on the streets of Moscow."[9]
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It's amazing to me that Putin's people keep using the same cause of death for all their murders.

At this point they arn't even trying to hide it.
That's the point. They can deny it officially but everyone knows that it was an official hit so that the fear you want to instill is there.
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