Not a bad thing to do, Tradition. Or, The Tradition. Or, TT? I don't know, which one works best for you?
I'm usually addressed as "Trad" on the forums.
Must be an anagram.
I can't guess what you're getting at....
Wait a minute.
Your side has been screaming that that wasn't enough experience. We should have rejected Obama for that. It was obvious. No way he should have been considered qualified.
You guys have been saying this non-stop for years.
But now it's OK?
Yes they are. In fact, marking "present" has been a goto outrage position on Obama for years on these boards. If a Democrat led the Senate in missed votes, you better believe it would be brought up.
It keeps me informed on what the talk of the day is. Plus, I don't like to make the same mistake that so many on the right do and stay in an echo chamber. Although I have booted the racist ones I used to have.
Yeah...after...what?...nine or ten hours of testimony? It looks a lot better. The best part is that after all that time...THIS is their "Gotcha" moment. LOL. That hearing was a disaster for the GOP.
He didn't but he spent two years in the Senate. Both those years he was running. The larger point is.... These questions are never asked of a dem and if they are asked there is no follow up
I'm usually addressed as "Trad" on the forums.
What I find amusing is that Hillary coughing or Rubio getting a drink of water is important in anyone's mind. Idiots.................
T Rad is bad!
I'm surprised you haven't booted them all. Seems like if you're a GOPer, you're a racist on this board.
By the press? Not Fox News, but ABC, NBC, CBS, etc.....?
I'm surprised you haven't booted them all. Seems like if you're a GOPer, you're a racist on this board.
I consider you a GOPer and don't consider you a racist. I know you view yourself as bipartisan but this thread and and many others have proved that not to be true. I will say they like to play the "victim card" when it comes to the media or what others may be saying about them. The victim card gets played a lot more than the racist card gets played by Dems (imho)
Yes. Fox News would start, get ratings, and the others would follow suit. That's how it always works. ABC, NBC, CBS, and other legitimate news sources just wouldn't flip a gasket over it though, unlike Fox News.
No, if you make racist posts, you're a racist on this board. It just so happens that most of the racist posts come from GOPers around here.
You just won't leave the bipartisan bit alone will you. Look, I lean right on fiscal issues and left of social. So you can take that for what it's worth. I've voted for Reagan, Dukakis,, Bush Sr, Perot once, GWB twice, Obama once, and Romney. So you can take that for what it's worth.
You're the one who labeled yourself the most bipartisan person on this board. I'm not trying to change that opinion of yourself. I'm just letting you know why I labeled you a GOP and but still didn't consider you a racist since you decided to paint with such a broad brush about every Dem labeling every GOP a racist.
This is your fault. If you had a memorable avatar I'm sure Fred could better remember your exchanges.Never said the most bipartisan person on this board. That's the phrase you picked up and ran with. I said one of the most. There are several. But if your memory fails you, I can't fault you for that. It happens to everyone.
This is your fault. If you had a memorable avatar I'm sure Fred could better remember your exchanges.
Not talking about the posters on this board. I'm talking about the GOP in general.